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Mara Rada :verified:

@simon the devil is in the details. My server, for example, has explicit rules against advertising. I agreed to join so I play by those rules.
Plus, there’s a vast difference between subtly mentioning what one does vs. using the platform as a sales megaphone.
For those who just want the sales megaphone, Linkedin may be better. There, everyone talks about what they sell, with little room to discuss anything else.
Here ppl are more nuanced, and we must be mindful of the audience

PJ Coffey

@mararada @simon sure but:

The audience here has gone from 130 million to maybe 8 million. 130 customers to 8. That's a big hit to your cash flow.

Mara Rada :verified:

@Homebrewandhacking @simon that's true. But when we join a server that clearly specifies “no advertising”, we know the rules before signing up. It's not ok to say we'll follow the rules then break them.
If we knowingly break the rules, then this is the same type of entitled behaviour we see from Musk. We left Twitter because we didn't like that. So let's not do that ourselves.

Simon Willison

@mararada @Homebrewandhacking "no advertising" strikes me as a rule that urgently needs clarification - is it advertising to link to a blog post you've written, or talk about a book you've just published?

Mara Rada :verified:

@simon @Homebrewandhacking I don’t know the answer to that. To me, if one only speaks about what one sells, that’s advertising. Link or no link.
There’s already LinkedIn for that. I doubt there’s a need to duplicate it.

PJ Coffey

@mararada @simon you're 💯 wrong on that.

No one on is buying art, books, or TTRPG stuff though.

Did you know that this is the only way that a lot of artists can sell their stuff?

I am going to take a punt and say you don't do creative work that needs to be advertised except maybe on LinkedIn hence your lack of understanding of this matter.

Mara Rada :verified:

@Homebrewandhacking @simon, you’d be wrong. Creative work IS what I do, but thanks for assuming my understanding is limited.
Also, you’re diverging. The point here is that there are rules and people know of them before signing up. So they should follow them, not break them.
If we only follow the rules when they suit us we’re no better than Musk and his clique.
Don't like the rules? Don't sign up. Find a place with rules you're willing to follow. It's that simple.

PJ Coffey

@mararada @simon

Your understanding is limited. As is your compassion and empathy.

Tell you what, post me to where I can get:
a TTRPG supplement,
A novel
A piece of fantasy artwork
A piece of jewellery

advertised on LinkedIn

And I'll apologise.

How about that? Should be super easy because you're not spouting total rubbish in public and know what you're talking about? Right? Right?

Or will you just block me because you're emotionally invested in being wrong?

@mararada @simon

Your understanding is limited. As is your compassion and empathy.

Tell you what, post me to where I can get:
a TTRPG supplement,
A novel
A piece of fantasy artwork
A piece of jewellery

advertised on LinkedIn

And I'll apologise.

How about that? Should be super easy because you're not spouting total rubbish in public and know what you're talking about? Right? Right?

Mara Rada :verified:

@Homebrewandhacking @simon I will block you because you can't keep a conversation civil. Good bye.

Simon Willison

@mararada @Homebrewandhacking it's not that simple if the "no advertising" rule isn't expanded with a definition of what that server considers advertising though

Mara Rada :verified:

@simon I can agree with that. However, as I mentioned earlier, if all one speaks about is what one sells, that's very clearly advertising.
Not all places are created to be a marketplace.

PJ Coffey

@simon @mararada anyway, now the concern troll has gone and blocked me. pfft.

I was thinking based on number of employees because the industry I work in is 99%+ freelancers and one-person bands.

In the UK a very Small enterprise IIRC is any company with 5 or less employees. Allowing 1 post per day per product? That would seem to cover most everybody that wants to advertise.

Small 6-50, Med 51-250, Large 250+

That would cover a lot of entertainers

PJ Coffey

@simon @mararada To me? Yes.

Anyone creative on a no advertising policy server should go somewhere they can advertise. has a "don't be a ballix" policy but I trust the mod team to let me know if I go near the line.

Amazon, Harvey's award winning cheese shop EN Publishing ( and me, listed in order of employee no, all need a policy for "some ads allowed".

Perhaps a CC style arrangement?

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