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Simon Willison

Apparently there are people out there who think it's inappropriate to use Mastodon to talk about books you've written or promote projects you've worked on because it's marketing and self-promotion?

I am not one of those people. I implore you to write about the work you have done and the things you have made - I want to hear about that stuff!


There are people out there who think it's inappropriate to use Mastodon to talk about a lot of things they don't like. We can definitely ignore those people.
We're all adults who know how to use social media responsibly. No hateful or harmful stuff. Beyond that, express yourselves, your way. This is your platform.

The Cross-Cultural Nerd

@simon I mean, mine's fairly minor, but all my social media outside of FB and BirdSite are basically extensions of my YouTube (though I do engage outside of self-promotion, especially here cuz this place is awesome).

Stephen Boylett

@simon I have been trying to decide exactly where I stand on this subject since joining the fediverse. It is obviously a hot topic.

On one hand, I understand that people need money to survive. I love watching talented and competent people working everyday miracles.

But I remember the Internet from the days before monetization was a thing. Advertising and the requirements for advertising has more or less ruined the feel of the place. Everyone has a patreon these days and I hate everything is fight for clicks and follows.

The example I would highlight is the lock-picking lawyer on YouTube. Fantastic and oddly compelling in the early videos, but the whole "you can buy this really niche tool on my website" shtick in every video is just crass.

Point is there is a line somewhere. I don't mind the sell, but can we lose the constant hard sell?

@simon I have been trying to decide exactly where I stand on this subject since joining the fediverse. It is obviously a hot topic.

On one hand, I understand that people need money to survive. I love watching talented and competent people working everyday miracles.

But I remember the Internet from the days before monetization was a thing. Advertising and the requirements for advertising has more or less ruined the feel of the place. Everyone has a patreon these days and I hate everything is fight...


Thank you for asking! I wrote a novel about time and personal rituals. It's short and moves fast. Disordinary Time.
You are kind, as the impulse to write a book at 60 correlates 0% with any inclination to self-promotion, so I am walking in circles. #artbooster


@simon I think it has more to do with keeping the integrity of the platform by not letting it become overrun with social influencers.

I wouldn’t be upset if an author or small business owner discussed what projects they are working on.
> However, I would be concerned if there was an influx of accounts promoting products due to sponsorships etc. etc.

Mark Holtom (aka Kingbeard)


It is coming up to December and the nights are long and dark. What to do? Alternatively, are you stuck for a present for that hard to buy for person?
Well, can I suggest you settle down for a good read.
How about a story that is by turns fantastic, funny and entertaining?
Then have a look at, “Going to work on a Yak.” by, er... me.
You can get it on Amazon at:

#Books #Bookstodon #TravelWriting


It is coming up to December and the nights are long and dark. What to do? Alternatively, are you stuck for a present for that hard to buy for person?
Well, can I suggest you settle down for a good read.
How about a story that is by turns fantastic, funny and entertaining?
Then have a look at, “Going to work on a Yak.” by, er... me.
You can get it on Amazon at:


@simon Seconded. And in fact if corporate entities want to promote there stuff here *if they are going to have meaningful discussions about it* that's no bad thing either. With no algorithm forcing you to see any posts, any advertising here needs to be engagement, people choosing to follow for the interactions

Steve Saleeba

@simon isn’t the entire premise of social media built around self promotion?


@simon all social media is self promotion. The people who yell at you here about how to use this system are just annoying.



Here's a sonnet I wrote!

I'll tell you more about the play I'm directing in 2023 too!


@simon so do I. If someone has talent I want to hear about it.

Steve S

I wrote an article for a now-defunct game magazine.


Bob Benson 🖖

@simon @rodlux I remember when I was self-employed. I had to promote or I could not eat.

Jasper Jenkins👵✡️♌️🇺🇲🇺🇦

@simon Same. That's what I am doing here for heavens sake. I want read news, opinions, comedy, veiw art, photography, animals... the list goes on and on!

ren 🏳️‍🌈 (a they/them)

@simon agreed!! I think it comes down to a difference of being excited & proud of your work (yay!!) and spamming links (boo!) - just share and engage!


I haven't written any books but I did create this, among many other 3D works...
It is titled "Creation of wealth".

PNW Michelle

@simon I love to hear what people are up to! And I think you can tell the difference between people who are engaging and also sharing their work, vs. people who are just screaming into the void for free advertising.


@simon there are actually people like that out there? Are they insane? Luckily not on my timeline.

Nick Carnes

@simon I have a new co-edited book about the politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe . It has 25 chapters written by over 30 political scientists and popular culture scholars.

David 🏳️‍🌈

@simon if "Don't talk about the cool shit you've done" is part of Mastodon culture, then Mastodon culture is dumb.



What people create is part of what they are. If they are interesting enough to follow, then their work is interesting enough to see announcements about it.

There's no algorithm here to jam those notices down your throat, if you don't like seeing someone's work, stop following them.


@simon server I use rules, may start with ppl promoting book, but then its all sorts promo and spam for all sorts, promo is promo you can't decide its ok for a writer but not for a rapper etc

Vicki Ziegler

@simon Absolutely. I find I'm most drawn to those who also generously promote and discuss the work of others, especially if those others inspired or influenced their work.


@simon i relied on twitter for introducing me to many of the books i read. There isn’t a neighborhood book club for books about how religion or tech or race direct our neoliberal economy and development. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Bjørn Larssen 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈

@simon Books are art, same as paintings, photography, etc. are art. I'm going to show mine off (in a non-creepy way) (and not 24 times a day) because I'm proud of dem babies. So I have a pinned thread + sometimes post an extract or a bit of news. So far didn't get berated for that, but I have notifications to check ;) #bookstodon

Nerdy Joe

@simon It's one of the reasons I'm here, I want to see what people are creating.


@simon Today, I painted this canvas. It is a very personal universe. I understand completely what you write. Can we or cannot we spread our art on social networks? We are in an art group after all.
I'm waiting for your kind feedback 😄

(((Pro-choice Morgana)))

@simon I have a book launching on January 23. I'll post about it for a little while, and then I'll return to my usual social media online life of politics and cats.

Jeroen Mulder

@simon guilty. Wasn’t aware of such rule. ;)

Ellie, Who Slows the Sunset

@simon hah reblogging my game review blog (and in the new year when I've set up my new projects as well) is like, 90% of what I do here

But it feels nice! I've had far more interaction here regarding my reviews and game thoughts than I've ever had on any social media other than discord ❤


@simon I’m in the beginning of standing up an online presence for my daughter, @HeatherSyvilla. She is a fantastic artist and tattooist, and she makes custom clothing including corsets. Her website is still a work in progress with the wrong prices and bare descriptions- I really hope we can get it going, because she is really great at everything she does and I want her to succeed! Thank you for providing this space for me to brag about her. ♥️

Tess P.

@simon Fantastic post.
#SocialMedia is often the only efficient way for us #selfpublish #authors to discuss our #books
Thank you Simon 😊🖋
‘Secret Whispers’ Tess P. #Poetry
Amazon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


@simon Seriously, those people can F-off.

Promote away!

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛


Don't let anyone tell you what is and is not appropriate to post. That's why we all got off corporate media. If someone doesn't like what you're posting, let them unfollow you. That's it.

The whole point of declaring independence from corporate media is so that individual content creators can directly connect with other individuals without intermediaries.

Angry Centrist

@sean @simon Or (deity forbid!) they could learn how the system works and filter out things they don't want to see.

Jason Carty

@simon @thomasfuchs
OK then, this Beatles podcast: over a million downloads…

aimee rivers

@simon yep! use Mastadon in any way you wish! this isn’t twitter!

Sandip Bhattacharya ☮️

What part of (micro-)blogging do people not understand?

Outside of breaking server rules (and common decency to each other), I would like to write whatever I want in my own blog. If people find what I write inappropriate, they are welcome to NOT follow me.


@simon hey man, what you been up to.

Nothing. I don't want to offend the masses.

@simon Everyone has a different idea of what they want their social network to be. With the millions of users around here, you can be sure to find opinions spanning the entire spectrum from "I want my neck of the woods to be a completely virtual space where I can escape from everyday worries like commerce and money" to "I'm just concerned that conglomerates are going to completely take over the place with the Coca Cola™ Bear™ and the Charmin™ Bear™ role-playing that they're having an affair."

I think most of us fall somewhere in the middle; we're excited that our friends are excited about the work they're doing, and empathetic when our friends are in desperate need of resources to survive in the capitalist hellscape they were born in, while also pushing back with a healthy dose of scepticism against companies who try to appropriate that sentiment with their overly friendly, quirky, personable marketing.

But I also sympathize with anyone who feels that after being constantly bombarded with billboards and slogans and guilt-trips and teary-eyed charity drives in meatspace from dawn to dusk, they want their experience on the fediverse to be one that doesn't involve any solicitation of any kind.

The fediverse, like every other virtual space, more so than any other virtual space, is not one person with one opinion.
@simon Everyone has a different idea of what they want their social network to be. With the millions of users around here, you can be sure to find opinions spanning the entire spectrum from "I want my neck of the woods to be a completely virtual space where I can escape from everyday worries like commerce and money" to "I'm just concerned that conglomerates are going to completely take over the place with the Coca Cola™ Bear™ and the Charmin™ Bear™ role-playing that they're having an affair."
Frankie Saxx

I don't think normal ppl think it's inappropriate to talk to about the thing you make, usually ppl *love* talking to ppl who are excited to share what they do

I think most of the hesitation in advertising meta is about people not wanting their timelines flooded with:

> a one or two line canned pitch for the thing I sell

*boosts their own ad post two hours later*

by people who are just here to scream ads at passers by and not be, well... sociable

I don't think normal ppl think it's inappropriate to talk to about the thing you make, usually ppl *love* talking to ppl who are excited to share what they do

I think most of the hesitation in advertising meta is about people not wanting their timelines flooded with:

> a one or two line canned pitch for the thing I sell

Josh (like the wine)

@simon @lmorchard Yeah, those people can suck it. Or at least not follow me. Or block me.

Futurist Jim Carroll


Among the 39 books I wrote (many about the Net in the 90s), I had a Y2K book.

We all have shame in our skeletons.

Gwladys Pendlebury

@simon I’m not against people sharing their interests and accomplishments. I like hearing that. I’m against algorithms that create artificial platforms and monopolies for products, personalities and/or ideas.


@simon Agree!!! How else am I going to know about the latest books?

Joachim Frank

I direct all people to my fiction website where I talk about my published novel AAN ZEE and several unpublished novels, and where I have links to most of my published short stories. Please spread the news. I welcome feedback of any kind.

Resting Facebitch

@simon Marketing and promotion get a bad wrap because of profit hungry cunt sticks I think. But they have their place.


@simon why would it be self promotion to share projects we have worked on?
It exciting to share a part of yourself and find like minded people in that way
Or even find people who are willing to join you on the journey to exploring things

Will McGugan

@simon Seconded! I follow people explicitly because I want to know what they are making.


@simon As difficult as it is for me to stand in front of you and admit it...

I write books.

There, I said it. And what's more, I pin them on my profile page. I should be ashamed, I know, but I can't help myself. 😭


@simon two years ago I wrote like mad and assembled Flash Fiction and a couple short sci-fi stories. Friends politely reviewed the effort as unapproachable (paraphrasing) and a tiny sci-fi online publisher rejected the better of the stories. I quietly withdrew the pdf but it was masterful! Had a cover, a hyperlink TOC made in OpenOffice (I dare anyone to fault it) auto pagination and explored a dozen notions that tickled me. Never started/finished anything quite so big before or since.

Paper Late

@simon the reasoning behind that is if everyone is just an account to promote their book, the social media platform will not be engaging because who wants to just look at catalogs a book advertisements, they could go onto Kindle or any place like that to find new books that they might wanna read.


@simon there are rules for social media? I thought people made them up as they go.

Straadin :splatoon:

@simon I can't think of a more appropriate place to toot your own horn

Kat M. Moss

@simon I think that there needs to be some serious changing in attitudes regarding the forebiddenness of branding on the Fediverse; after all, if companies create their own instances for their own employees to discuss their products, there are some of us who want to hear about new products from our favorite brands; why shouldn't they be allowed to treat the Fediverse like the old ways, particularly if the old centralized social medias die?

Hal Brown

@simon I have no objection. to anyone promoting a book they wrote or other personal for-profit endeavor. Likewise I have no problem with someone who writes for a publication and posts links here which will "earn" them clicks. I post links to my tiny blog (below) which earns me nothing except the satisfaction of knowing some people appreciate what I write. What I do feel uncomfortable with is a corp. trying to monetize Mastodon.

Barry Gibson

@simon absolutely - how else do we get to know what new work is out there? This is possibly the most important function of social media in research. It is a really good research tool, keeps you up to date and plugged in.

Sharon Knight

@simon @wiverson I want to know what creative projects my friends are working on! I also want to support them.

Adam Cook

@simon Yup. I am not one of those people either.

Art, creative works, books, music - I love that stuff in my feed.

michael fulgenzi

@simon Hi, Simon! Among a lot of other things, I play drums and produce music. Here’s a song my bandmates and I recently released about validation-seeking via social media:

Sabina Knight 桑稟華

Thanks for this invitation!

Here's my #frog #watercolor.

I seldom paint, but my #painting means more to me than my day job (as a professor & scholar).

桑禀華 (Sabina Knight)

本人拙作 #青蛙 #水彩畫

我很少畫畫,不過 #繪畫 對我比作為教授和學者更重要。

#水彩 / 英文版

Jonathan Koomey

@simon Our latest book, just out – Solving Climate Change: A Guide for Learners and Leaders

Instructors can request an examination copy:

Sorry for price, textbook market pricing is high, alas.

@simon Here is my book:
Nigger nigger nigger
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger, nigger nigger, nigger

It's called "Total Kike Death".
Trash Panda
When you say mastodon you mean mastodon or the fediverse? Just curious because from what I could see so far people from mastodon tend to be a little aggressive about forcing their views on others but otherwise the fediverse is usually supportive.

@simon I haven't met anyone saying that, I see people sharing things they are proud of creating every day here, and the place would be more boring without it.


@simon Take no notice. Most of those individuals are immature adolescents who think it's "clever" to accuse people of spam etc. I'm surprised most of them know how to sit on a lavatory properly.

Gustomela 🏕🪵🐻

@simon 🤨 ...sometimes Mastodon feels like an Amish community

Jonathan Hendry


Just don't repost about your latest thing a couple times a day for weeks at a time.

Inaya Shujaat عنايه شجاعت 🇳🇿

@simon Mastodon is filled to the gills with folks who want to police toots.

Unless you’re running a scam, self-promote away, I say! Ignore the haters.

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