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maxmoon 🌱

@davidrevoy I like the smile on its face, thinking this is an awesome idea 😀

@davidrevoy Its a funny picture though I am unsure how true it actually will hold. Sure users are pissed but the 2-day "blackout" won't hurt reddit all that much, if people just come back after it. we will see. Enjoy your art very much though :meowheart:

@davidrevoy Very nice and fitting with having the smile on the face while cutting off the limb of it's users 😄.

tired blip

@davidrevoy except at the pace they're doing it, that'd be a trades-grade chainsaw, overclocked, and spewing fumes everywhere..... :P

jokes all aside, beautiful work!

Craig Maloney ☕

@davidrevoy I love this more than any human should ever love a painting.

Carlos Solís

“This branch is totally gonna net me a great price in the marketplace!”

Mahmoud Az

@davidrevoy We need another one with Elon-musk and Twitter 😂


@davidrevoy Décidément, les réseaux privateurs se donnent tous le mot pour prendre des décisions de merde en ce moment. Enfin, plus que d'habitude, je veux dire.

Henrý Ólson

@davidrevoy I think the company just loves living in the "This is fine" cartoon XD


@davidrevoy You captured the situation beautifully.

John Abbe

@davidrevoy Thank you, both (troth?) for the art and for its message and for #humanart.


@davidrevoy very nice, is there a high resolution version posted somewhere?


@davidrevoy now replace the reddit guy with twitch and YouTube 😂

Derek Caelin 🌱

@davidrevoy the art style reminds me of the Framaskft aesthetic, which is appropriate!

David Revoy

@derek Thanks! I'm Framasoft main illustrator, that's maybe why ☺️

Derek Caelin 🌱

@davidrevoy well serves me right for not checking the bio of a poster! You've got a signature style and no mistake. :)

Team Rainblur


The Tree Is Like, "You... You're Gonna Regret That."


@davidrevoy pauvre arbre, il n'a rien demandé. 🤔


@davidrevoy me imagino el arbol cayendose. :blobcataww:


@davidrevoy good thing the Fediverse exists :nkoSip:

Rune Ranch - ルーン牧場

@davidrevoy Great funny artwork of a cute #Reddit guy with a problem 🔜 ! 😂


@davidrevoy snoo can't call for help from a third party because it cut contact with all of them 😭

Fer_24 :mastodon:

@davidrevoy A matter of time, just waiting for the moment

Sasa 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

@davidrevoy This is adorable ❤️ why would you make Reddit look this cute

David J.
@davidrevoy That is brilliant. And then I saw it's from the creator of Pepper & Carrot. It's all so beautiful. 😀

@davidrevoy Et on en est arrivé au point où il faut préciser que c’est bien un HUMAIN qui a fait un dessin… :/


@davidrevoy Jorge el Curioso se lastimó a sí mismo (George the Curious hurt himself)


Beautiful representation of Reddits' downfall.
Cutting off their own branch.
Painfully accurate. 🤣



@davidrevoy So beautifull reddit der saver den gren over de selv sidder paa 🤣 🌳

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