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Reid :blobcat3c: Xenia and Tux look so cute together ​:blobcataww:​

Floppy 💾

@davidrevoy This is so cute! Stack of papers on a toothpeg. 😻

Especially the third image (zoomed out): If it was a game, I would totally play it. Have you considered teaming up with a game developer? Can totally see some isometric, unit-and-resource-management, save-the-planet-solarpunk potential here.

David Revoy

@floppy Hey thanks! Oh yes, I would totally love participating to the concept art of a game like that one day. 😊

Felipe :wyd:

That's me on the left bringing garbage from reddit

Reboot Robotnik

@davidrevoy I would like to be part of this world please and thank you


@davidrevoy don't care if it is a free software not for profit organisation simulator, I'd play this game!

Kookie (and her sounds) 🏳️‍⚧️

@davidrevoy Yay! Xenia is now David Revoy approved.
At this point I feel like she's moving from being a mascot for the kernel to being a mascot for the Linux community.

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