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wakest ⁂

@J12t @jon @coachtony @mike @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton We should really have an all hands on deck fediverse meeting to discuss the potential outcomes for this situation.

Tony Stubblebine

Zero concern. They will fail in the same way they failed with newsletters. That was the same playbook too.

IMO, the only thing we should be optimizing for is passionate use cases. They have zero passion.

@liaizon @J12t @jon @mike @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton

Mike McCue

@coachtony @liaizon @J12t @jon @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton The fact that FB is likely to become a primary marketing voice for the Fediverse is real. This has pros and cons to give some thought to.

I saw this movie before when I was at Netscape. Microsoft did an incredibly effective job marketing the Internet to the world, effectively echoing and magnifying Netscape's own talking points. They also copied everything we built so they became the face of the internet.

wakest ⁂

@mike @coachtony @J12t @jon @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton stepping out in front of this before they make their next move and making a collective statement that this space is made from the bottom up by humans and it is not for the taking by corporations might be a positive step in the right direction. Not to say that they wont still do whatever they are going to do, but some signal that action will be taken if they move in the wrong direction is needed.

Mike McCue

@J12t @jon @coachtony @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton

One of the things that FB is doing here is focusing on attracting creators and influencers which is smart.

In the short run, this is likely to be a very positive development for the #Fediverse at a time when growth has slowed and #Bluesky is attracting users with large audiences to a different protocol.

That said, in the long run there will be high risk of FB undermining the core principles of the Fediverse.

Johannes Ernst

@mike This.

#Meta can have huge benefits for the #fediverse in the shorter term, and has huge risks in the longer term, in particularly if they aren't actively managed on a network level, not just individual-company level.

Which is why I'm suggesting to have the people who worry about that kind of thing stick their heads together in a marketing group.

@jon @coachtony @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton

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