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Mike McCue

@J12t @jon @coachtony @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton

One of the things that FB is doing here is focusing on attracting creators and influencers which is smart.

In the short run, this is likely to be a very positive development for the #Fediverse at a time when growth has slowed and #Bluesky is attracting users with large audiences to a different protocol.

That said, in the long run there will be high risk of FB undermining the core principles of the Fediverse.

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Johannes Ernst

@mike This.

#Meta can have huge benefits for the #fediverse in the shorter term, and has huge risks in the longer term, in particularly if they aren't actively managed on a network level, not just individual-company level.

Which is why I'm suggesting to have the people who worry about that kind of thing stick their heads together in a marketing group.

@jon @coachtony @stevetex @mmasnick @Gargron @haubles @anildash @manton

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