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Eugen Rochko

Someone has sent me 10 e-mails worth of what looks like Q-anon type conspiracy drivel mixed in with pictures of me with the subject "Truth Social" so right now I'm wondering if I should delete them and block the sender or keep them as evidence in case it escalates lol

The Doctor

@Gargron Keep 'em offline, in case it gets crazy.

Niko :verified:

@Gargron always keep that πŸ‘ even if you remove them of your sight (which is also good for anyone)


@Gargron keep them, and maybe make them public πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Lukas Ekberg

@Gargron knowing qanon it good ide keep it back up. thay likely not gonna stop sadly.

Gregory Vanderlaan

@Gargron Keep 'em because the FBI Might need them... when they LOCK 'EM UP! for Treason...

Scott Mortimer :mastodon:​

I'd love to see the original email headers to do a bit of investigation.


@Gargron @zleap definitely keep the emails as evidence

Deadly Headshot

@Gargron I would retain the evidence, but then my inbox is really pushing storage limits anyway.


@Gargron With those people keep it, just in case.. πŸ₯œ

Gay asia

@Gargron block the sender but keep the emails, it could prove important later


@Gargron screenshot it, this will probably escalate into something really really stupid.

Evil Roda

@Gargron Document. Fucking. E V E R Y T H I N G

Brian Ronald

@Gargron This is what folders were made for πŸ™‚

Chris [list of seasonal emoji]


Download everything, send copies to a few people you trust, publish hashes of the files.


@Gargron this is what server side mail rules were invented for.

the thoughtful frog

@Gargron I'd keep them. Hard copy plus maybe on a USB stick/SD card. One never knows what might happen.


@Gargron i like to have a compost folder on my email. the trash gets auto deleted after 1 month. the compost i manually look at after a while, and probably just wipe anything older than 2 years.

doing this for just less than 1 year now (perhaps as a necessity to get used after stop using gmail), and i expect to never need to read any of the compost emails again.

in gmail, i love to get random older than 10 years emails on my searches, and even replying to them eventually.


@Gargron yeah, I’d definitely keep a copy of them.

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