@tomxcd Dabbled on and off over the years (loadlin on DOS, various telnet/ssh shells using IRC/lynx), but only got properly serious around ~2016 or so, using a VM for day job work. The whole time I was running the various flavors of Windows. Win11 looked like a huge dead end, so I took that opportunity to make the jump full time in 2021 (currently Ubuntu, next time Debian probably).

I have never regretted this move.

There were bumps here and there, sure, but other than my Davinci Resolve issues (which I blame on the developer not being fully committed to the platform), but the move has been an overwhelmingly net positive.

(The dirty secret being a large part of that satisfaction is thanks to Wine working so damned well, bringing a large chunk of the Steam catalog and a working Photoshop. 😉)