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3 posts total

emacs is like the misskey of text editors :smug:


lets try this again cause why not

Okay, I'm curious, when did you guys first install and join Linux? Please boost for a wider data pool. :verificado:

Feel free to expand about the specifics in the replies :ablobcatheart:

Anonymous poll


In the last 5 years
In the last 10 years
2004-2012 (A long time ago)
1991-2003 (Holy shit, you're old)
4,736 people voted.
Voting ended 11 Jun 2023 at 5:14.
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Christoph Vigano

@tomxcd I distinctly remember my father buying SUSE Linux and me and him installing that in 1999 / 2000 I think? From then on I've used Linux on and off until 2009, where I took the plunge and worked almost exclusively with it since then 😊

António Manuel Dias

@tomxcd, in the mid 90's I bought this. It took more than five years for Linux to become my primary system and a couple more to finally erase the Windows partition.

DELETED I got Linux Mint on my laptop for the first time in 2013 for a summer. I didn't know a thing about FOSS and privacy, I just heard it was 'better than Windows' but I didn't know why
then I got the laptop I'm using now and I thought Windows 8 that came pre-installed was so 'beautiful' I would keep using it instead of Linux. a decision I regret now. I could educate myself on Linux back then, 10 years ago
the second time I got Linux Mint on my laptop was on February 14 this year, this time fully aware of why I choose it over Windows. and I will never choose a proprietary OS again I got Linux Mint on my laptop for the first time in 2013 for a summer. I didn't know a thing about FOSS and privacy, I just heard it was 'better than Windows' but I didn't know why
then I got the laptop I'm using now and I thought Windows 8 that came pre-installed was so 'beautiful' I would keep using it instead of Linux. a decision I regret now. I could educate myself on Linux back then, 10 years ago
the second time I got Linux Mint on my laptop was on February 14 this year, this time...

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