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lets try this again cause why not

Okay, I'm curious, when did you guys first install and join Linux? Please boost for a wider data pool. :verificado:

Feel free to expand about the specifics in the replies :ablobcatheart:

Anonymous poll


In the last 5 years
In the last 10 years
2004-2012 (A long time ago)
1991-2003 (Holy shit, you're old)
4,736 people voted.
Voting ended 11 Jun 2023 at 5:14.

previous poll was very vague about starting and ending times for each option, hopefully this time around it will be less confusing


@trwnh had a very warm and inviting interface, i know that much, dont know about usability tho

infinite love ⴳ

@tomxcd 9.10 karmic koala was my first version but i jumped quickly to 10.04 lucid lynx which looked like this [pic 1]. i think 10.10 maverick meerkat was actually kinda nice for the time. then 11.04 natty narwhal moved to the unity desktop which i hated [pic 2] so i hightailed it off to download the arch iso 2011.04.01


@tomxcd @trwnh warm and inviting is right @.@ it's just a little guy, it doesn't want to hurt you


@tomxcd @trwnh it was hell to get nvidia working at that time, but otherwise driver support was already decent, and sending free CDs at a time where internet connections were *very* slow was amazing! I also got some people to move to Linux by passing these CDs around :D


@tomxcd An Anaconda ate my BIOS in the late 1990ies so I kept and keep my Chamäleon, and wear a my old black hat. ;-)

[FWGS]DjBRINE1 :verified_think: :tiasmile:

@tomxcd heard about - a long time ago (2008-2009)
Joined - 2018
Which option should I choose?


@DjBRINE1 counting when u first joined linux, u can edit posts now so i will make that more clear


yes am indeed sacrificing my poor notifications feed in the name of SCIENCE :smug:

green-threaded gay

@tomxcd i might be old but fuck you with a stick 👀​


@tomxcd Science must be done! Also... did you just call me old?

Although I am only using it on servers these days. Probably getting too old to bother with putting much time into desktop configs and got annoyed of dual booting to play and make games. :blobfoxcomputer:

And so many Slackware mentioned in the thread, those were the times. :3

Slips over Lockdown a friend introduced me to it

worst mistake they've ever made

maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
@tomxcd i think i installed ubuntu for the first time in 2017 or 2018 in a VM, i remember thinking it was awful, i later installed linux mint 18 and ended up really liking it, and ended up using it as my go-to distro to this day
eri :vlpn_smol:
@tomxcd first messed with it back in 2015 or so, fully switched over in 2019

definitely noticing more people are new users than last time, always good to see :02smug:




@akonto @tomxcd

> IN REALITY IN 1981, (...) I USED AN OS NOT CALLED EITHER unix NOR linuX, BUT "minix" <

Right... MINIX was first released in 1987.


@tomxcd Got introduced by an ex-friend's father with Ubuntu 12.04. Then from then on, here I am

AlderForrest 𖤐😈 🇺🇦🇫🇮🇪🇺🏴‍☠️ Redhat, Debian, Mandrake distros in use in between years 1999-2003, when I studied in Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Kuopio, Finland. After then kind of stucked into Debian derivites.

chluebi I've used an Ubuntu Virtual Machine to code in about 5 years ago, switched over to WSL once it became useable. Have had Ubuntu servers for 4 years.
Finally jumped ship to have my main setup on Arch just a month ago. Feels good to finally be fully over on the other side.


@tomxcd I don't have an exact date but I think it's the third, but could be the second. Should I hit 3rd?

i'm 23.

@tomxcd In 2010, because it was Ubuntu 10.10. :)
And joined in same year, in 2010..

@tomxcd I don't prefer Linux over Windows for "daily driving" ie. my local desktop, but I run Ubuntu under WSL2 and have run/still run various Linux desktop and server setups since the 90s


@tomxcd My first Linux install dates back to around the time when I started coding C, which was around 2011 (age ~13). By 2012 my main desktop was Linux. My laptop was setup again and again in something like a bi-weekly rhythm from 2011 to 2013, be it the initial distro hopping (took about a month until I settled on Gentoo), me breaking things and needing a new setup, or just experimenting with the install in general.
Ever since however I stayed with Gentoo on desktop. My servers (first one in 2013 IIRC) did also run Gentoo until earlier this year when I moved some stuff to NixOS.

@tomxcd My first Linux install dates back to around the time when I started coding C, which was around 2011 (age ~13). By 2012 my main desktop was Linux. My laptop was setup again and again in something like a bi-weekly rhythm from 2011 to 2013, be it the initial distro hopping (took about a month until I settled on Gentoo), me breaking things and needing a new setup, or just experimenting with the install in general.
Ever since however I stayed with Gentoo on desktop. My servers (first one in 2013...


@tomxcd sry, but i'm to lazy to google. What is "join linux"?

Gemma 👽

@tomxcd yup, I’m THAT old. It must’ve been like 2001 or something when I first played with it. Got some Linux CD from a magazine… I’m thinking… Slackware? Maybe? It was the time I’d just gotten interested in programming. HTML and JS were new and cool. Then I started dabbling a bit with PHP. Started experimenting with a bit of LAMP server setup, and also grown tired of Windows 95 and 98. Next was maybe a Redhat? Then Kubuntu…


@tomxcd my first install was debian 3 when I was 8 years old. The time and effort and workarounds that worked got me hooked.

Sasa 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

@tomxcd In 2007 when I switched majors from maths to CS. But I guess my first use would have been ~2000 when my dad installed it on the family computer to prevent us from bricking it?

Sasa 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

@tomxcd Thinking about it now I really respect him for that. When he noticed his kids were doing stupid things on the family box, his thought process wasn't "they're too young to be using it" but "I need an OS where this can happen safely".

As a bonus he even left win 98 on a side partition for us to destroy as we liked.

∃Katrin : 🏳️‍⚧️

@tomxcd I've used Linux since I've used computers because my dad uses it, but I first installed it (arch) myself a few years back


@tomxcd I miss fighting my computer and partitions to install suse from a bunch of cds while fucking my windows xp and lilo bootloader refusing to work...

huxley(fur) 🔜 Furcationland

@tomxcd red hat 5.0 I think? It was rough times, a lot of recompiling kernels!

Rajel Aran, Nostalgia Hunter

@huxley @tomxcd 5.2 here. The times before RHEL.. and then Mandrake made it so much more usable lol


@tomxcd 1997 - running Slackware on a PS/ValuePoint cobbled together with an Olivetti keyboard, some random monitor and a CD drive from a computer fair. We had all the computers in the house networked using 10Base-2, with one machine capable of starting a dial up session to the ISP on demand, using a (then) blindingly fast 56K Flex modem.


@tomxcd 20 1.44 MB floppy disks (the max download at the time, including X windows) for a 386DX with 8MB IIRC.


@tomxcd a year ago
I started with Artix and have stayed there ever since (though I do run Debian on my home server and have various installations of Fedora on other computers)

Malo Potato

@tomxcd i started last year, because i thought that was only for computer nerds with lots of knowledge, wich i am not. But i discovered that now, lots of distro are very noob-friendly and i tried with my dying laptop. Wonders ! I didn't screw things up and even prolonged its lifespan. But i think in the mind of many "casual" people (like me), GNU/Linux is solely for people with intense knowledge 🤔

siriusfox 📡⇄🚀⇆🛰️

@tomxcd oh the glorious browns of Dapper Drake bring me way back.

Shyra :flagQueerVillainPride:

@tomxcd @ashe Slackware on a Cyrix PR166L circa 1998? 99?

Downloaded it in pieces over a 28.8K modem connection!


@shyra @ashe omg yes a cyrix user

and a cute derg to boot :blobcatblush:

Digi :flagAgender:​:flagPansexual:​ [Viridi Vix]

@tomxcd where is the option for not smart enough to use linux windows user :firPure:​

I host my instance on linux 6 states away because there's no other choice and i just followed the tutorial, does that count?


we are all going to ignore the fact that im a mac user and carry on with the poll :>>>>


@tomxcd a teacher gave me an older cd set of suse Slackware aroundish 1995/1996 (?)
Got it running on a spare parts Franken-PC which was a 486 with 8megs(?)…

6erriet 🐧🍓

@tomxcd 1993 My first linux was SuSE 5.3 with X11 desktop ;D

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@gse @tomxcd SuSE 4.2 for me, I think. I remember building the pre-release 1.99 kernel when 1.3 was mainline.

James Chip

@jens I think SuSE 7 was my first, we installed it on machines at college as part of an "other operating systems" lesson, and then had to install windows over it again at the end of the lesson.

Little did the teature know that this short session would radicalise me.

Duncan Blues 📯

@jens @gse @tomxcd the first Linux I got to tinker with was a Suse 4.something "Snapshot" too with a 1.99 Kernel.
First I owned myself was 6.0.


wondering if this thing will beat the 5,408 votes on the last one

only time will tell :sataniaSmug:

gray 🇮🇪 :wolf: :therian: 🪛

@tomxcd first fucked around with it in like 2017 i think with deepin


@gray deepin is honestly beautiful but i think it got a ton of flack for being unfinished

gray 🇮🇪 :wolf: :therian: 🪛

@tomxcd yeah, it looked visually stunning but i still went back to windows

@tomxcd I can't remember - that was far too long ago 😉

@tomxcd Some old Suse Linux in the late 90s i bought on CDs.

Christian Kruse

@tomxcd Yes, I am old, but there is no need to thumb my nose at it! 😜️

hardworm ☭

@tomxcd ubuntu 6.06 from free CD my fist linux


Around 2018/2019 i installed linux for the 4th time and decided to stay after only dabbling a bit on distros from shareware cd's. Well my first distro ended up being ubuntu, wich i broke. Then Kubuntu, wich i also broke. I tried debian but didnt like it and went bacl to kubuntu on my hellmachine. Then i discovered bunsenlabs and thats been my daily driver. Be it workstation, my Thinkpad T60(dead) or my T440s which is my current daily driver. I also did some detours to arch and manjaro with my pinebook and did a tiny bit gentoo but i still dont understand it.

Around 2018/2019 i installed linux for the 4th time and decided to stay after only dabbling a bit on distros from shareware cd's. Well my first distro ended up being ubuntu, wich i broke. Then Kubuntu, wich i also broke. I tried debian but didnt like it and went bacl to kubuntu on my hellmachine. Then i discovered bunsenlabs and thats been my daily driver. Be it workstation, my Thinkpad T60(dead) or my T440s which is my current daily driver. I also did some detours to arch and manjaro with my pinebook...

…might work for coffee…


SUSE 5.2, so it was in 1998 as a kid. Been through a bunch of distros since then.

Klaus Stein

It was nice to learn about this new Linux, as this would allow to compile and run these HP-UX and SunOS programs at home.


@tomxcd I started with SuSE 4.x but quickly went to Debian bo, because that's what a friend used. I am old, but the friend is even older :D

These days I have ubuntu somethingsomething LTS.


or was it 5.x, I cannot remember....

Elias Probst

@tomxcd started 1999 with CorelLinux 1.0 (yes, #Corel really produced their own distribution back then) and I've been using my beloved #KDE ever since then!


I got an openSUSE book & CD from Barnes and Noble in 2005 and have been using Linux since

Ralf Weinert

I think with suse 2 -
IT was a hard Job to make the configfile for the LAN and the Graphiccard,....

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@tomxcd around 2011-2012.
Was just talking to one of the adults at the scouts about computers and he said he used this thing called "Ubuntu"...
So I gave it a try and it kinda went from there.

Markus Feilner :verified:

@tomxcd I got it in 1994. First heard about it maybe 1993, unsure.


@tomxcd :: I think I first installed Linux on something like summer of 2012? I became fixated on it after leaving middle school.

Akseli :quake_verified:

@tomxcd 2007 i installed damn small linux on my modded xbox (the first xbox)

I watched youtube in my room from my tiny tv before it was cool. 😎


@tomxcd When I built my first new computer, it was a total beast. Brand new, just released AMD Athlon64 3200+. 8 GB of RAM. Way more than a high school student should need; saved up the money from my part time job.

Only to then realize... There was no 32 bit OS readily available to actually use that 64 bits. I paid for 64 bits I was going to use 64 bits.

So that began my usage of first Debian, then eventually Gentoo.

EDIT: Research shows 2003, maybe 2004


Two feet in the grave.
Paul Wilde
@tomxcd feelin' the love from my fellow "Holy shit you're old" folk! 🧓
Chaotic Natural 20

@tomxcd I tried something or other in 97-98, wasn't impressed with the windows manager (very Win 3.1 looking)

Came back in 2002 and manually installed Slackware, decided that I had enough CLI in my life at work, and installed Ubuntu 4.04 a short while later, and I went running from there.


@tomxcd last option just because I was introduced to it as a child


@tomxcd Ubuntu 5.10. The last Ubuntu that had two separate ISO files for live CD and installation. And Canonical still had a Shipit service that would send you Ubuntu CDs free of charge. Delivery usually took a few weeks but it worked. I _may_ still have those CDs somewhere.

:dancetonikakukawaii: Nyaa :dancetonikakukawaii: 2018 because I wanted to be a "hacker" in high school and downloaded Kali Linux, which eventually led to Ubuntu 18.04 as my first Linux distro as I found and went down the rabbit hole.

Jyrki :jyrki:🐾:heart_nb:

@tomxcd oof, guess i'm old indeed x)

(but i pretty much grew up with Linux, so…?)

david :apartyblobcat:

@tomxcd I was about 18 so about 2018, yea I guess I joined later than the majority :3


@tomxcd Red Hat 5.1 and Debian Slink. ‘98-‘99. Still have my brainbench master of Linux certification lol.

@tomxcd late 2020, January 2021 on my actual desktop
@tomxcd Slackware 3.0 circa 1996 was my first distro. And, but, also...get off of my lawn. ;)
glẏtch :coffefiedpurple:

@tomxcd I was an innocent kid when first used it on my neightbours computer, around 1993-1996, she was studying at university and taught me some programming in basic. She also discovered me internet, irc and the email.
After that, didn't start using linux by myself until around 2007

Michael Kinder :rockylinux:

@tomxcd I started toying around with Linux around 2011 and have used it on and off as my daily driver since. Was just beginning to go to high school at that point. Seems like yesterday. Time's a funny thing.


@tomxcd Installed it for a friend from a tall stack of 5.25" 1,200K floppies.


I have no idea when I started hearing about it, but tried it for the first time somewhere around 2004-2006 (I think I used Red Hat Linux 9; Fedora seems to have been released, but my computer was a hand-me-down that wasn't capable enough).

Fedora has been my primary OS since about 2008, though frequently on dual boot machines together with Arch or (more recently) Gentoo.

Woodoo Prod


It was a Slackware around end 98 early 99. :0)


@tomxcd i never used Linux lol I only tried a few distros and didn't find one that I liked so I gave up, also bc customizing everything the way I want takes so much effort and setting everything up so it works is torture


@tomxcd 2007! I learned about other operating systems in an IT class and tried out Ubuntu. It was really cool!


@tomxcd first try a SuSe, OS/2 and Win311 on an 420Mb Harddrive


@tomxcd First Linux was Storm Linux 2000, way back when I was in High School

Shoku the MN Wolf 🏳️‍🌈

@tomxcd I honestly don't remember. The first time I made extensive use of it was when I got my raspberry pi 2b, but that's not the first time I ever tried it.

Nah :tg_rose:

@tomxcd I entered the world of Linux in 2018 after a lot of influence from my girlfriend and a teacher xd

Although I already knew Linux from before, I never had the courage to try it. One day when my PC almost died I used an Ubuntu live to recover my files, and I liked it

And there was no turning back


oh dammit the geriatrics have caught up :akko_aaa:


@tomxcd Walking to the lab with stacks of floppies for the SLS and Slackware because my dialup SLIP connection to the University was still 2400bps


@tomxcd Alas, *bits* per second. About an hour and a half per floppy so walking was faster :) Eventually upgraded to 14.4kbps which was quite nice by comparison!


@tomxcd I went to high school with the person who went on to write the 'kismet' wireless sniffer. I was a big Mac nerd at the time, and he showed me MkLinux. I thought it was cool, but I didn't have a new-enough Mac to use it, so I dumpster-dived myself a 486 and loaded Debian on it from a CD-ROM I bought from Ocean State Job Lot.

Been using Linux as my daily driver since Debian 2.1-ish, though most of my early Linux days, it was YDL or Gentoo on a PowerMac G3.


@tomxcd @ParadeGrotesque
I installed Linux a long time ago, but I never joined anything.

Zarthura ☑️ First version of linux I installed was ubuntu 9.04 from a CD they MAILED to me. This was like 2009 or something.

Jay Lanagan

@tomxcd I feel like 91-03 is too wide of a space but that’s where I fit though. But in 91 I was more interested in McFarlane’s Spider-Man than even knowing Linux existed. Still, it had to be about 98 when I started using. I kicked the habit once or twice, but I’m back on it, taking far more doses than is healthy, yet I seem fine, depending on who you ask.

Bryan Redeagle

@tomxcd God. That was a long ass time ago. I think 1999 or 2000, and I installed a copy of Mandrake Linux I got from another kid in high school. I installed it on the family computer, and accidentally erased Windows in the process because I didn't understand partitions.


@tomxcd I was just a poor boy, windows 98 didn't love me... and was giving me the blue screen of death quite a bit in the year 2000. I couldn't afford a new computer and didn't know where to get windows discs or how to fix it. I was chatting on mIRC and somebody told me about linux. I didn't have a cd burner, so a guy offered to burn me a couple cd's and mail to me. He sent me Mandrake Linux, maybe version 7.1 or 7.2. I was surprised by how easy to set up and how much free software there was!

James Corey

@tomxcd It was 1993 or 1994. The era of mail order and Computer Shopper magazine, and Netscape was only just appearing on the scene, the web had not yet taken over the world. I had just built a specialized PC to run NeXTStep, and a friend mentioned I could probably also run Linux on it, so I ordered a Yggdrasil CD through the mail. And then, I was hooked.


@tomxcd I started using Linux 2 years ago. My first was distro GalliumOS (Linux distro meant to be installed on chromebooks).


@tomxcd Friends of mine were editing our graduation newspaper and made the mistake of not keeping every few pages in a separate file. So when rendering it consumed all the ram and crashed.
I installed Ubuntu, compiled the older version of the tool they were using, and added a whole nother hard drive as swap.
It took a while but it rendered successfully.

Baron Henrik von Harkonnen (F)
@tomxcd 1995. Yes, dear god I'm old. I think the first one for me was Slackware 2.3 (kernel 1.2.8) which I downloaded with my friend from a local BBS (BBBS) during two nights (14.4k modem). After installing it, I got the blank terminal prompt there blinking and I thought "ok, now what?" and went to buy Running Linux 1st edition.
D. Moonfire

@tomxcd 1995 with Slackware after downloading each floppy with xmodem off the university's shared server. Been using it ever since.


@tomxcd As the last time around: get off my lawn! And also, I think you're missing some important distinction between 1991-1996 and 1997-2003


@tomxcd I remember playing around with Slackware on my 80486DX-33...

La malgranda feneko volas dormeti I've actually lost track. I know I first attempted in the latter 90s on a 3 or 486, and I'm pretty sure I installed it at some point on a Pentium box I got not long after but I don't recall when. So while I clicked on the 2004-2012 it may have been before I moved in which case it would be the 1991-2003 time slot. I'm pretty sure my first Linux was Red Hat, then Mandrake.

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