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6erriet 🐧🍓

@tomxcd 1993 My first linux was SuSE 5.3 with X11 desktop ;D

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻

@gse @tomxcd SuSE 4.2 for me, I think. I remember building the pre-release 1.99 kernel when 1.3 was mainline.

James Chip

@jens I think SuSE 7 was my first, we installed it on machines at college as part of an "other operating systems" lesson, and then had to install windows over it again at the end of the lesson.

Little did the teature know that this short session would radicalise me.

Duncan Blues 📯

@jens @gse @tomxcd the first Linux I got to tinker with was a Suse 4.something "Snapshot" too with a 1.99 Kernel.
First I owned myself was 6.0.

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