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:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@delroth i was also doing some digging and was told about the 3DS/DS keys, didn't realize that... basically all emulators do this too

very interesting stuff, i was indeed misinformed by the likes of MVG on this subject

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@delroth oh yeah btw throw melonDS onto the list, they use the DSi keys fact i think it was you who told me this, if i'm not misremembering

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@delroth ah nvm that, your self reply isn't federating for some reason, weird

Pierre Bourdon

@EeveeEuphoria the joys of ActivityPub between small instances...

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