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Dragoon Aethis

@delroth Ryujinx also wants you to bring your own keys :D


@dragoonaethis @delroth they're using LibHac, which comes with default keys.

Pretty sure Ryujinx is also outsourcing some default keys.

After PS2 era it's literally impossible to emulate systems without including some kind of common key for crypto.

Pierre Bourdon

@13xforever @dragoonaethis arguably even PS2 era -- GameCube comes with some DRM crypto already, just not for games. They have some fancy obfuscation using custom code running on the DSP to do challenge/response auth with memory cards and GBA link cable.

Luckily Dolphin doesn't have to emulate the memory card one since they can bypass the DRM altogether with emulated memory cards :)


@delroth in a fair amount of these cases it's impossible to dump these keys clean room... which is concerning if this move sets precedent

(i know this doesn't make the point you're making any less valid, but i am big into 360 stuff so a very minor nitpick, the key you linked on xenia is the roamable obfuscation key used for very little and most games will work without :P

the retail xex2 key however... )


@ipg @delroth "impossible to dump these keys clean room"

it doesn't matter. technically just reimplementing the crypto on its own (without the keys) is a DMCA 1201 violation

Pierre Bourdon

@Rairii @ipg it's part of what's required for a DMCA 1201 violations*

But yeah, that's why I'm facepalming very hard at everyone focusing on the presence or absence of keys. Literally doesn't matter as long as you have the code there to decrypt copy-protected content.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@Rairii @ipg @delroth Forgot what VLC ended up doing for DeCSS but wouldn't be surprised that they just include the key, because France/Europe has more sane laws.
Pierre Bourdon

@ipg thanks, let me fix the link. It indeed doesn't change my point :-)

Charlotte 🦝 θΔ

@delroth @dolphin Not an encryption key, but every SNES emulator i have seen is shipping the bootstrap rom of the SPC700

*Ada :collar: 🇦🇶

@delroth @dolphin it also is common for custom firmware to have main/common keys.

Leonie :vf:

@delroth and the thing is it's perfectly legal to distribute those keys. Apple tried to keep their keys to boot macOS as a trade secret, but lost in court and their keys are even publicly available: The argument that distributing keys to decrypt software is illegal has long been proven a myth. Nintendo had no right to tell Steam to pull Dolphin off the store.

asie DesMuME's key inclusion strikes me particularly odd, as you really don't need secure area decryption in the emulator itself for most use-cases - given that melonDS only ships decryption keys for its DSi mode, I'd assume DraStic (which doesn't support DSi mode) does not ship any keys; and given NO$GBA's extensive documentation on how to dump the DSi-mode keys, that one might not be shipping any at all either...

mofu mofu fumo
@delroth @dolphin this level of discourse from "the gamers" about dolphin shipping keys being stupid (like every other project in the space minus switch emu who'd get smacked past saturn if they did so) is why i dont blame nintendo and the rest of the video game industry for hating thier users so much.
:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@delroth i was also doing some digging and was told about the 3DS/DS keys, didn't realize that... basically all emulators do this too

very interesting stuff, i was indeed misinformed by the likes of MVG on this subject

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@delroth oh yeah btw throw melonDS onto the list, they use the DSi keys fact i think it was you who told me this, if i'm not misremembering

:yell: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ

@delroth ah nvm that, your self reply isn't federating for some reason, weird

Pierre Bourdon

@EeveeEuphoria the joys of ActivityPub between small instances...

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