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Reddit is beginning to show ads and is pushing for an algorithmic timeline. If you are using the website, there is now green highlighted subs being inserted, and articles are shown "because you previously looked at this sub".

This will not work on mobile with 3rd party applications, so this is mostly a move to deprecate them without deprecating them.

It is the enshittification playbook.

censored for “transphobia”

@SallyStrange @isotopp @Sonikku Anyone who is even /able/ to use #Reddit, who have not been #shadowBanned or booted, are ineffective activists & likely pushovers anyway. So I suspect Reddit is reading their crowd right… they can get away w/it.

Robert Petersen 🇺🇸

@zuzuruz @isotopp I’m mostly on like the science, tech, cats, and space subs, but also the local subreddit for where I live. Those kinda subs ain’t too bad but I tend to avoid the popular subs and anything to do with politics.

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