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@cancel they only 'support' when convenient, huh?


@cathos this is why I'm mostly opposed to feel-good bullshit activities, like renaming stuff to be more PC or changing the colors of your logo etc. It makes some people feel like they've done something but it's not actually doing anything or improving anything.

It's like if you felt bad about commuting every day in a car to your office job, so you bought carbon offset credits to make it green. All you've done it added a row to a table database somewhere in China.


@cancel @cathos Adorno described this as “catharsis” in his writing about the culture industry. Basically, he says that media corporations see that people desire change, so they insert messages of resistance into their media, but this only serves to make people feel good about “resisting”, and as if they’ve done their part, without actually changing anything. This ultimately serves as a mechanism for social control and for suppressing actual resistance.

Dym Sohin

@cathos @cancel
rainbow-capitalism is capitalism first
you cant just STOP selling


nah @cathos, more like s/convenient/profitable/

let’s just @cancel big corps all together

aismallard (relocated!)

@cancel huh not Japan? I would've thought it would be safe enough for them now to brand for june


@aismallard it’s a giant corporation. It doesn’t give a shit about anything. It only does the rainbow thing in some regions because they’re pressured to do it or display social signifiers, and because they also have employees in that region that want it. Most of the world does not give a shit about this.

maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
@aismallard @cancel being LGBTQ+ in japan is still not really a thing most people accept unfortunately

@cancel How does Microsoft consistently come up with the ugliest Pride rebrands every single year?

Ahri Boy (archived) I hope Japan will have to do better to make the culture more LGBT-friendly.


@luna it's not forbidden. it's that nobody cares

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