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Christian Selig

Got off my call with Reddit just now about the API. Bad news unless I come up with 20 million dollars (not joking). Appreciate boosts.

Chris Wu :toucan:

@christianselig Absolute BS. Apollo is reddit as far as I'm concerned.

John Conners

@christianselig Insanity. And shows the headless chickens following headless chickens that call themselves tech leadership.


@christianselig I don't think Reddit realizes how important other apps are. I *ahem* know people who do spicy content browsing with a separate app just so they don't get caught in a Ted Cruz "Horny on main" situation.

My, er, "Their" Reddit use will drop dramatically.

Jason Sadler

@christianselig ah, man, that’s brutal. I’d be seething in your position, and right before WWDC, too. Hope you can enjoy next week in spite of the bad news.

Totally with Ю :questified:

@christianselig Might as well start a federated #foss reddit clone with that budget.

Torb 🦋

@christianselig I’m so sorry. I don’t know if I’ll be keeping on using Reddit after this.

I *hate* their official app and and mobile site. And Apollo was excellent!

Josh Butts

@rob I guess the upside is that i'll be freed of yet another social media time waster. No Twitter without TweetBot, no Reddit without Apollo/Narwhal. Non-negotiable.

Anthony Castelli

@christianselig Damn. Im sorry to hear that. Sad to see what they’re doing. Onto to newer projects, right? Excited to see what you do next!

M.Coutts 

@christianselig this has me left with so many feelings right now. All of them sad. Hopefully a solution presents itself.

Jorge Salvador Caffarena

@christianselig that is sad :( Only thing I can say is that if I have to stop using Apollo, I will stop using Reddit altogether.

Jose A. Puertas Pertiñez :dnd:

@jorgesalvador @christianselig Same here as I did with Tweetbot and drop Twitter, no Apollo no Reddit


@christianselig Rip Reddit, third-party clients were the only reason it was usable at this stage
I will not miss that hellsite
(I use Infinity because Android, but that's probably gonna get axed next)

harbo, a shitposting terrorist

@christianselig if your app disappears I stop using reddit, this is really dumb on their part. I was already getting sick of that shithole, Apollo is the only thing that keeps me there

Rick Williams

@christianselig in all honesty I feel like it might be better if they just required premium for 3rd party access.

Gustavo Poscidonio

@christianselig fuck. I'm sorry homie. Happy to chat if you wanna bounce ideas off of someone outside your usual circles.


@christianselig they're pretty much killing off all third party apps with prices like this. Sorry about this news! Hopefully they change their minds.

Dean Wrecker

@christianselig @brentsimmons Elon certainly set a bad precedent with social media API access. Seems like everything that we liked about the internet is being put behind a paywall as rapidly as possible.



Everything has a lifecycle, including Reddit. 👋


@christianselig I’m sorry to hear this, it’s untenable to be in that business and hope they have a change of heart but as we have seen with Twitter there is no real compassion for the independent developer

Michal Tynior

@christianselig I understand that Reddit has to cover server costs and potential ad revenue loss, but this is insane

Paul Houle

@christianselig they can’t have usable third-party Reddit clients out there because that would get in the way of dark patterns such as blending ads into the content as well as “badly” organizing threads and injecting lots of irrelevant content to confuse you into clicking on an ad


@christianselig this sucks 😞 I’m so sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine using Reddit without Apollo. This seems so unbelievably short-sighted of Reddit to drive away their best client app.


@christianselig Terrible fucking news....

Honestly not sure if I'm going to continue using reddit should third party apps disappear. Maybe if there was a modded client or one that could have adblocks, but I doubt it.

Thanks for keeping us updated.

Alex MacK

@christianselig we’ll get you the $20m… but it’ll be to build out Apollo Social.

Tylor Sweeney

@christianselig this is devastating. Apollo is my second most used app, after TikTok. Even at the height of my Tweetbot-fueled Twitter obsession, Apollo was the app I opened every day, multiple times a day. I hope Reddit changes course, but maybe it’s time for a fediverse alternative? I’d be there day 1!

Matheus Fantinel

@christianselig this sucks man. Hopefully they get their shit together.

Quinn Comendant

@christianselig What if you just clone Reddit to your own infrastructure? You already have all the users and a nice client app. Just switch everyone to your API endpoint and … done!

Maybe it would be enough to merely threaten with this option?


@christianselig obviously if you don't want to do this it's up to you, but would you be able to edit the app to use Lemmy API? From the comments it seems at least some of your user base is down to make the switch, and then they won't even have to get used to a new interface to join the fediverse

gay magicks practitioner

$1 for 5,000 requests. reddit are you telling us that you have the least efficient and most expensive per request website ever created?

(i mean no they’re telling us that after seeing twitter do their thing they feel comfortable also shaking down third party app developers because they have zero revenue, but c’mon be a little less transparently greedy here gang)



@christianselig I just made my Mastodon account when I saw your post on the Apollo sub. Staying hopeful that Apollo can stay active!


@christianselig that pricing is insane. They must be figuring in lost ad revenue. Maybe?

Yannick Lung

@christianselig what the actual fuck. So, so sorry to read this 😢


I guess I should use a different social media site than Reddit. Any suggestions?

Manuel Kehl

@christianselig Oh man, I am so sorry! This is terrible 😞

Aaron :apple_inc: :isles:

@christianselig Holy shit, dude. That is bonkers.

TBH if you limited me to 11k requests a month (hard cap) at $3 a month, I think that’s actually an affordable amount. Pad it to $5 per month to cover other costs and some, you know, profit for you and let’s just round it to $10 a month. Not awful and power users (like me) would be up for that.

Of course I don’t know all the economics of your situation, but know there’s people like me who would be willing to pay.

Ryan Ashcraft

@christianselig I'm really sorry about this Christian. Really, really shitty. Hoping for some sort of a compromise and an ultimately positive outcome for you.

Rich Felker

@christianselig We should never have accepted the premise that you need an "API key" to make requests, as a user running your app, from their own device.

Services that pull this bullshit should get the API keys ripped from their official apps and reused by every 3p app.

Beyond Doomscrolling

@christianselig someone probably already suggested this: sell them Apollo for 20 million. That would be a bargain, if your valuation is suddenly now 60+ m.

In all seriousness: I‘m sorry to hear how your hard work might get destroyed. But I hope they get to their senses when they feel the backlash.


@christianselig Too bad! Well, so long reddit. Their app and website are pure garbage. If I can’t use Apollo then I’m out. I’m 100% sure reddit doesn’t care about me, but neither do I care about them, to be honest. I wish them all the luck in the world, or total demise of their business. Honestly don’t care.

Bill Vinson

@christianselig I use the website on my Mac and Apollo on mobile. No specific reason, but just felt more natural to me. However, if they go down this road, I’ll treat Reddit as just another dying company and only visit for specific threads when I need to & very rarely post/upvote/downvote (the way I do with Twitter). This is a ridiculous path they’re on & I'll be looking at Fediverse alternatives…

Bill Vinson

@christianselig I didn't call it out, but if Reddit does continue down this path & it’s untenable for you to support, I would love if Apollo shifted to being a client for one of the Fediverse Reddit-ish services. Not sure which ones hold the most promise, but Apollo is a great app and I would love to see it continue even if it can't on Reddit proper.

mask-wearing, socially distant entity :verified_paw:

@christianselig This blows big baby chunks! Apollo IS Reddit for me. I will not continue using Reddit without Apollo. Please realize your work makes a big impact on our user experience. ♥️ We have your back.



it seems all of them get really greedy and use twitters strategy as an excuse.
aaron would kick them all out of their chairs for doing this b$ttery


@christianselig absolutely ridiculous pricing, for sure.

Roman Lefebvre

@christianselig I’m sorry this is happening to you… it’s probably one of the worst thing that can happen to an indie developer, and maybe at the worst time too. Good luck. We’re all behind you!

Jonathan Ruiz

@christianselig I’m so so sorry Christian you don’t deserve this 😞. They are seriously fucked up with their pricing.

René Fouquet

@christianselig I know it’s very little comfort, but Apollo is for Reddit what Tweetbot was for Twitter. Makes no sense to me to use these websites without them.

Russ Shanahan

@christianselig I'm so sorry to see this, Christian. You have been a great citizen of the reddit platform and have done good for so many of the service's users, and you deserve to be treated so much better than this.


@christianselig what an absolute nightmare. Regardless of how this is resolved, what a disgraceful way to treat you

Alwin Samson

@christianselig This is really a bad call. I hope they come around. One of the main reason i use Reddit is because of this App.

Kyle Fox

@christianselig Sorry friend, what a nightmare. Stay strong over there, because I assume you're about to draw a LOT of media attention, for better or worse. Here's hoping it helps!! Apollo is still one of the best examples of an iOS app done right 👏🏻

Dawn Tåke 🌙:sparkletrans:

I have never enjoyed Reddit, but this has added "the company are assholes." to the mix.

Way too many third party app makers getting hurt recently.


Tom Oakley

@christianselig that’s mental. Apollo is awesome - been a free user for a long time, but I just paid for Ultra and would honestly probably pay $60/year if I had too. I hope you come up with something! ❤️


@christianselig 💙💜💚💛❤️💙💜💚❤️💛💙💜💚❤️

I especially don't appreciate how they are essentially double dipping with Premium users. If I’m paying Reddit for premium, developers shouldn't be footing the bill for my API calls; I paid for them already.

Sofia Christina Larsson

@christianselig sorry to hear! Hope you find a solution that works for you, best of wishes!

Aaron Pearce

@christianselig that is absolutely ridiculous pricing, especially when compared to Imgur. Hope it works out in your favour. I’d miss Apollo a lot.

Steve 🇨🇦🇺🇦

@christianselig That’s just ridiculous. Sorry you’re running into a buzz saw of stupidity.

Olivier Roux (moose)

@christianselig @siracusa I guess it’s consolidation time: all these services that grew based on free everything and through encouraging 3rd party apps now hear the call of investors to finally bring some money home, and the only way they can do that is by forcing users to use their own apps or site, so they can serve ads and/or collect data they can sell.


@christianselig I’m sure they want to destroy your business and will offer you to buy Apollo App at low price.


@christianselig I had my reddit account permanently suspended for saying that I thought that piers morgan was only concerned with the welfare of piers morgan. reddit, twitter, facebook, bluesky et al can and should go fuck themselves. I would rejoin myspace if Tom brings it back.

Jerry Gulla

@christianselig Why don't they just say they are shutting down the API then? Same effect. What nonsense.

Becky Hansmeyer

@christianselig That sucks so much Christian, I’m sorry. 😢

Christian Tietze

@christianselig Oh dear, I'm so sorry!

Best wishes, prayers, *everything* go out via DHL Express ASAP.

Brendan Thompson

@christianselig certainly seems like they’re trying to price you out of the market. Musky-boy has set a precedent with setting bonkers API prices to force developers out and this force consumers onto their official crappy data sieving apps. If you made a full tamogochi clone with pixel pets I’m sure everyone would follow 😃

JJ :blobblackcat:

@christianselig so i might be missing something: but what is the point of an api if it is paywalled? is an api not meant to provide a convenient alternative to spoofing headers, scraping, and parsing raw html? what's going to stop someone who doesn't want to pay for an api from just... doing that instead (aside from it being harder and less robust)?



Well if Reddit takes apollo from me i have no choice to leave Reddit.

Rodrigo Escobar

@christianselig that’s pretty bonkers. I’m so sorry, mate. I’m very disappointed in Reddit right now 😔


@christianselig Very sorry to hear this, Apollo is an incredible application!

Axel Le Pennec

@christianselig so sorry about this bad news! I hope Reddit will reconsider their pricing so we can continue to enjoy this service using your great app.


@christianselig I guess they don't want competing apps. At all. Which is probably a logical thing for them to want. But I think it's past time to go back to Usenet.

Todd Thomas :ivory_logo:

@christianselig sorry to hear that Reddit are a bunch of dumbasses. So how much would subs have to go up for you to make similar $$ and be able to keep going?

Wes Chamness

@christianselig Apollo is the only reason I still visit Reddit. Even run a few Subreddits and manage them via the app, I actively avoid going to the site. If Apollo didn’t exist, my time with Reddit would’ve ended when Alien Blue stopped working properly


@christianselig There is nothing on Reddit worth 20 million dollars.


@christianselig It's time for regulation by the U.S. federal government. Reddit is much better than many, but social media companies have a massive effect on democracies, society and individual psychology, and cannot price researcher access out the window. What would it take to force Congress to do SOMETHING?


@christianselig seems like Reddit should just charge users directly to use 3rd party apps

Api developers shouldn’t be forced into a marketing business if they don’t want to be

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