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Christian Selig

My new favorite Siri/HomePod interaction just happened 😛

“Hey Siri pause”

-HomePod lowers music volume to speak-

“There's nothing playing”

-increases music volume back up-

Dominic Hopton

@christianselig @stroughtonsmith Siri is the dumbest thing in the world. It will do the oddest things. When you use your phone and you *see* the correct speech to text, and then it… hallucinates something bat shit.

Me: Siri, set the kitchen shades to 20%
Text: [the above]
Siri: playing smooth jazz in the living room!

The fuq.

Interesting Monkey

@christianselig @stroughtonsmith “hey siri, set a 10 minute timer.”

Siri: “There’s already a 10 minute timer. What would you like to name it?”

Me: “Nevermind”.

Siri: “Setting a 10 minute nevermind timer.”

Tim Morris 🎆

@christianselig I had something like that:
“Hey Siri, turn on the lights in the living room”
“Okay, some of the lights didn’t respond, you can ask me which ones”
“Which ones?”
“Here’s what I found on the internet for ‘which ones’”


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