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@drq @aral I fail to see any purpose though. This won't help with any kind of routing or discovery unless some new and strange ways are developed specifically for it. Also people tend not to recognize zip codes except their own so seeing something like 123544 won't help to estimate the location.

I think something human-readable would be better. is already there but since it is already too [mis]used maybe we need brand new tld.

Something like:

But it would be hard to control since root tld will have authority. So maybe we should clean up national tlds :)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shuro The purpose would be to create a publicly-owned (as opposed to privately-owned) service that would allow any person or local organization to create their own domain zone for free. The easiest would be to piggy-back it on the existing globally-connected public service like mail. But then again, an ideal TLD for this is already pretty much squatted.



@drq @aral Maybe we just need a new kind of national TLDs - same as old ones but free and protected from squatting.

It is important for them to be separate roots though because look out of the window.

Maybe we could reuse existing tlds but add extra zone. E.g.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shuro Or... or replace the whole system with something like ALFIS, which... I like the idea, but don't like the butt-headed dictatorial management behind the project.


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