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Darius Kazemi

Mozilla has announced a grant of up to $30,000 "to people and projects that illuminate how to reimagine data in a way that shifts power away from big tech platforms and toward individuals and communities."

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@darius I already have my artwork ready for that project (attached), where do I submit?

Darius Kazemi

@rysiek is there a danger to going to sites that use a Cloudflare CDN frontend or is this more of a general boycott type issue regarding displeasure over who Cloudflare hosts or doesn't host?

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@darius that's a very broad topic, but tl;dr would be:

1. there are privacy concerns, CloudFlare sees a lot of traffic (handles >10% of all web traffic, globally)

2. there are concentration of power / centralization concerns, for the same reason; it's not about whether or not CloudFlare abuses this power; it's about the fact that it even has it

3. it's just ironic that Mozilla is announces a "shift power away from Big Tech" on a Big Tech fronted website.

Darius Kazemi

@rysiek totally get those concerns (once upon a time I worked at Akamai, which is like Cloudflare but more secretive and handling ~30% of all web traffic). I get the irony too. I was just wondering if this was about a specific thing I had missed, which apparently I have not, thank you

Григорий Клюшников

Darius Kazemi, the issue with cloudflare for me personally is that they harass me with captchas, or outright geoblock me, either just because I'm Russian, or because my IP address (something I don't have much control over) isn't "good enough".

The second issue is more of a political one — I don't like the idea of a single company seeing this much unencrypted traffic on the entire internet, and then using some arcane algorithms on it to determine whether someone deserves to be a visitor of a particular website.

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