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@Tutanota Because innocent people have nothing to hide, right?

The 1930s taught us that sometimes innocent people (like Jews, gays, trans) do have something to hide.


@Tutanota Antiterrorisn is good, but you really have to go with "protect kids, " it causes about 90% of brains to shut off...


@Tutanota Meanwhile WhatsApp with its end to end encryption is hugely popular in India, so much so that they can't ban it.

Ibrahim Nowshad

@not2b @Tutanota WhatsApp e2e encrypted? So why do the messages sync across various devices?

Lenz Grimmer

@ibnunowshad @not2b @Tutanota It's definitely possible to perform E2E encryption between more than just two endpoints.


@not2b @Tutanota Well, it maybe because facebook has your keys and can give access to any government should they ask I suppose...


@dieTasse @Tutanota No, that isn't how end to end encryption works. At least for one to one messages they have no ability to decrypt the message. But if you don't trust them because Facebook bought them you can use Signal.


@not2b @Tutanota Haha, end to end does mean what it says, you encrypt, receiver decrypt. But if someone has your keys, they can decrypt as well. And yes facebook has those keys on their servers and they likely have access to those keys. I remember how people were surprised that facebook ads showed stuff they mentioned only on whatsapp. I do use Signal. I wouldn't trust Facebook, or any of big tech company for that matter.


@dieTasse @Tutanota That isn't how end to end encryption works. A key is generated on each device. It is public key encryption. The private key never leaves your device. Signal and WhatsApp use the same technology.


@not2b @Tutanota feel free to blindly trust Zug, its your call. Until you show me the WA code I will assume they have access to any account (again how do you think the advertisements can get targeted with things said on WA?)


@dieTasse @Tutanota Oh, I don't trust him. They collect metadata, for instance (who is talking to whom). When a message is flagged as abusive it is sent to moderators (similarly if you send someone a Signal message they can forward it to the cops). But no, I don't believe you get ads because of things you said on WA.


@not2b @Tutanota you don't trust him yet at the same time you say you trust the conversations are not misused. Anyway trust/believe is all you have my friend.


@Tutanota Governments from developing countries are increasingly getting aware and scared of recent advancements in privacy and anonymity, so their only solution is a blanket ban


@Tutanota It sets a dangerous precedent for privacy rights to ban encrypted apps in the name of fighting terrorism.

Sancho Godinho

@Tutanota This is really bad!
At some point, everyone needs privacy.

Many products can be used for good as well as bad.

You just can't ban them cause they are used by terrorists or something!

At the most, one can consider using unbaised classification algorithms for detecting terrorism but should be done completely anonymously without storing any data to the algorithm so then compaines cannot take data and the apps shall be terrorism free!

Power Of The Negative

@Tutanota Maybe if people boycott india then They will think twice... #India #boycottindia



I hope India should never get the realisation that a terrorist can still run his own end to end encrypted chat service on the Internet.

If ever they realise this fact, they might ban the Internet on whole.


Far beyond burning books, it seems that your ability to communicate without interference is a risk regimes no longer wish to tolerate.


What do we exoecting with the false democracy,like to every country in them area?

Feq Buermoy

I need #privacy, not because my #actions are #questionable but because your #judgement and #intentions are.

'nough said.

Pegasus R!###

@Tutanota pain
Pirates here are protesting and had filed a case in the court alle @praveen

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@Tutanota Cars and airplanes have been used by more terrorists. They should have banned these first.


@ Tutanota
Briar it's one of the best apps on power/4G outages in case of natural disasters because it has Blueooth and "offline" message sending support with delayed relays. Congrats, India, you fucked up yourself in the next years in case of a hurricane/heatwave kills Indians by thousands and earthquakes make your comms' infra a pulp.

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