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Stefan Bohacek

This is still very much work in progress, but feel free to try if you have a Mastodon or a Friendica account.

#dataviz #fediverse #mastodon #friendica

Rob C

Nicely organized and subtly colorized! Very fun 📈

* noted is "undefined" server with 11 connections

Stefan Bohacek

@SimpleRobC Ah, thank you for sharing this, will look into it!

Rob C

No worries. Just a sec.

Edit: looks like you satisfied the "home" server? I can now see the undefined is "" with 11 connections


@stefan this is great! Love what you've done here

Stefan Bohacek

@McNeely Thank you! And I appreciate you sharing this!

Stefan Bohacek

Note that if you follow a lot of people/have a lot of followers, it might take a bit longer to process them all.


Mine tells me I only follow 40 accounts and am followed by 40 accounts.
I think that's the default largest number for a single fetch isn't it?

Stefan Bohacek

@botvolution I was pushing some updates earlier, I wonder if the site was maybe briefly down and the data didn't fully fetch?

Would you mind signing in again and letting me know if this is still happening?

Tomi the Slav and 1024 others

@stefan Looks great!
'Undefined' should probably be (or home server).

Jake in the desert

@stefan heck yeah! Like trying stuff like this. Worked fast, too.

Stefan Bohacek

@jake4480 Awesome!

I'm also working on a more detailed analysis of my own connections. Stay tuned!

Jake in the desert

@stefan awesome. I was thinking today, it would be cool to see unfollowers, or change in follow counts, some of which I suspect is probably people moving servers when I see it go down and then back up.

Stefan Bohacek

@jake4480 Honestly, it's probably best not to pay attention to the number of followers/followed accounts, for your own mental health and well-being. Yeah, sometimes people move between servers, but sometimes people just unfollow you and you don't want to have to wonder what the reason was.

Jake in the desert

@stefan oh, yeah I don't worry about that, never have. 😂 But I mean, the switching instances thing is a little wonky, wish it was a little cleaner. I mean, the confusion of having someone show up as a new follower, but they're from before, on a new instance which is cool, but I don't wanna miss following someone cool back is all. Keeping an eye on notifications helps but things get nuts, as I'm sure you know.

Stefan Bohacek

@jake4480 I see. I think when people move, you automatically re-follow them, although sometimes it does take a bit longer, a few days even. Or does it ever just not go through?

Yeah, if that is an issue, a tool for this could definitely be useful.

Jake in the desert

@stefan I think they disappear from my count, and then reappear, with their new instance, as a new follower- really throws me hahaha. I'm like- I know this person! 😂 might take a few hours, a day? No idea.


@stefan What is the significance of “Domains with unique connections”?

Stefan Bohacek

@ottobackwards Basically it shows all the servers where you only have one connection.

Some of these are self-hosted instances, but you could easily have just one follower from

I do plan to add more details here in the future, and I think showing how many of your connections are self-hosting would be pretty neat.


@stefan I don’t know why, but I took that at first to mean that those servers we not as widely federated or something and maybe shady….

Stefan Bohacek

@ottobackwards Yeah, I had trouble writing the description, I'm sure it can be explained better. I'll give this some more thought!

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