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Bynkii (they/them)

@Natanox @Wraithe Who’s nice to each other on the fediverse HOA?

Non-honkies aren’t seeing it the HOA literally ran an instance run by and for Black folks off the fediverse *before* Elon cratered twitter.

The HOA threatened to defederate an entire instance unless they kicked a guy off who committed the capital crime of criticizing how mastodon implements “DMs”

Then there’s the wide-ranging attacks on anyone pointing out that Twitter as a service had some really nice features.

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Bynkii (they/them)

@Natanox @Wraithe not only is the fediverse run by the worst kind of HOA, namely nerds who in my 30+ years in tech are the most petty, vindictive group that will welcome literal Nazis if they are FOSS Stans, but it acts like somehow, services run by 485849 little elons is an improvement.

The fediverse is anything *but* nice, and it is definitely not kind by any definition.

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