@adrienne and nobody is asking you to.
The dynamic I mentioned is not about the willingness to paper over shortcomings, it's about the weird assumption that somehow "FLOSS people" and "creatives" (for want of better term) are two completely separate groups, almost warring tribes.
And my question is about how to change that. Because "FLOSS people" won't learn about all these things unless somebody is willing to help them learn.
@adrienne I am also not saying *you personally* should do this work — and it is work!
But this dynamic is what needs to change before we can have real hope these FLOSS alternatives become actually useful for professionals.
So this work needs to be done by *someone*, or people will remain in Adobe's clutches, forever complaining about Adobe's bullshit but never able to leave it behind.
@nombreapellido @inkscape @Krita @GIMP