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Neil Brown

I appreciate that this is going to upset some people, and I thought I was too shy to say it, but I prefer #BlueSky over #Mastodon:

Here's why:

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@neil Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooo!!!! Not agaiiiinnn!!!! 😂


@neil Feel free to delete your mastodon account and fuck yourself. Thanks.

Neil Brown

@Ulrich_the_Elder Oh my! And with a profile which says "I try to be kind"!

(Did you form that view after you clicked the link, or before?!)


@neil I did not click the link. My thoughts on jack dorsey were formed when he allowed trump to foment an insurrection on his platform. I view jack dorsey and anything he is involved with as part of the problem.

Craig Mcgee

@Ulrich_the_Elder @neil wow!! whilst I dont like the sound of blue sky from what I'm hearing, there really was absolutely and utterly no need for your reply @Ulrich_the_Elder may I advise you to detract from any social media interaction until you've found your kindness and learned how to use it effectively.


@Ulrich_the_Elder @neil you hadn't even try to learn what his arguments are, had you?

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@neil I don't think it's a matter of preference. A matter of ethics. It's being able to think for the community. As soon as you get inside bluesky it asks if you want to silence hate speech and violent content, meaning: they won't do that. Jack already advertised spaces with a wako anti-vaxxer. All of this in a controlled bubble. We know what happened with society with this model of social media. He is doing the same thing that f*cked us up, regardless the outcome.
Mastodon is the solution?

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@neil oh, it was an irony. I was just trying to be didactic because of the reaction of the elder one.

But I still can help: you can grab from my instance the emoji, so people won't need to click, after an ironic statement :rickroll:

(There's a bunch more, as a socialist, I share everything

Neil Brown


> you can grab from my instance the emoji, so people won't need to click

Doesn't that completely defeat the point?!

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@neil No,.if you are smart with the layout. You write the phrase and then give the time needed to the reader realize and find out it's an irony.
. :nazare_confusa:

Ursalzona :ursa: :Ryyca:

@neil not sure. But I'm sure Bluesky isn't. It will satisfy the needs of a group of people addicted to Twitter's algorithm. But we will still have the same problems and the world will keep being a good place for those who spread hate.


@neil Bold and brave argument to be making here. I might disagree with you on this, but there's a lot there to think about

@doot @neil Neil did something that I have been trying for a long time but could not. Bravo :9554_Dab_Tomato:

@doot @neil i think you covered similar topic on your infosec blog?

Carlos Solís
Agreed, the protocol can't really be called a letdown
Mallory's Musings & Mischief

@neil You make some very compelling points :blobthinkingcool:


@neil Gotta appreciate the url obfuscation.

ヾ(^-^)ノ :t_blink:

@neil amazing writings! it goes deep dive into the technical details that they don't cover in their official docs

I use :vim:

@neil such a hot take. Though I’m still waiting on my invite code

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

@neil 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽, and 👏🏽, sir.

The Gibson

@neil big words, man... big words from the likes of you...

I'll never give mastodon up!


@neil Its 2023 and Im still relearning lessons from link you shared.


@neil .... Damn. Such an obvious reason I should have expected it.


@neil I see your point an d respect your positrion.



Really not sure why I expected anything different an appropriate amount of time had passed.

Chip Kroh

@neil You just had to go there, didn't you? 🤣


@neil I knew the reasons before I clicked but really had to make sure we agreed on this one 👍

Daniël Franke 🏳️‍🌈

@neil I was about to write an entire rant about why you were wrong, but you make some very good points and I think everyone should read your article and make up their own mind.

Jens Comiotto-Mayer

@neil Although I find your arguments to be a bit on the strong side, I'd would expect a similar development. Thanks for being courageous!

gullevek ⚛️

@neil Got me ... got me ... no link previews ... got me ... got me.

Ian Malcolm

You are a very bad man. But... well played.

Aral Balkan

@neil *smh* :)

This is some @doot level trolling, right here (and that’s a compliment) :)


@neil damn wtf I did not expect that 😭


@neil this is really the most insightful comment i’ve seen on the matter. appreciate you sharing your thoughts


@neil At first I saw a YouTube redirection, thought "oh no, this is a vlog opinion stuff I don't want to bother with it" and closed the tab before it had time loading. But then I saw people I like boosting it so I decided to give it a chance.

I'm glad I did, you make some really compelling point and I see now why the video format is necessary. This would not have the same impact in a text blog post. 👍


@neil joking lol.
this was just, ehm, weird.

@neil :o never gonna tomato u, never gonna potatoo uu c;

@neil decades go by and this still makes me laugh every time.


@neil I prefer middle eastern food to chinese.


@neil Thank you for taking a nuanced approach.


Here is an acronym with my counter opinion:


Iqbal Abdullah 🇯🇵🇲🇾

@neil After clicking on that link, I strongly feel I should report this somewhere so that others will not experience what I had, but I respect the feelings and your right to express them 😂

Guilherme de Maio

@neil gotta say, these are very strong notes

A Byrd

@neil I knew better, yet here we are 🤣


@neil yeah indeed a deep dive into streaming technology 🤣


@neil Well planned, skillfully executed, good artistic value: it’s a full 10/10 from me.


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<Anubis> what fraud?
<Kadmium> You haven't heard about it?
<Anubis> no?
<Kadmium> You can read the full story at http://www.****.com
<Anubis> omg wtf!
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<Anubis> what fraud?
<Kadmium> You haven't heard about it?
<Anubis> no?
<Kadmium> You can read the full story at http://www.****.com
<Anubis> omg wtf!
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