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Chris Trottier

My big conclusion from Jack Dorsey’s thread is that #Bluesky is NOT comparable to Mastodon.

You can’t compare a temporary proof of concept with something that is production-ready right now.

The hint is Bluesky’s website:

It’s “staging” for a reason!

Chris Trottier

All those clout-chasing “influencers” on #Bluesky will look ridiculous if the app ceases to exist, and they’re forced to set up their own PDS on a Raspberry Pi.

I’m not saying this will happen, but it will be funny if it does.



@atomicpoet I basically skeeted this on my BlueSky account lol 🤣



Hmm that is a very fascinating idea, a social media where you are gated behind having to setup a server, something that doesn't take more than a couple of hours and googling at most to learn.

Pablo Martini

@atomicpoet I've pre emtied it left, deleted it now space back on mobi it's in the Myspace can with musk & zuk!


@atomicpoet Everybody I know who has an account on there wouldn't know what a Raspberry pi even is

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