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Chris Trottier

Well, this is an unexpected curveball.

Jack Dorsey hopes that Bluesky will be “temporary”.

How likely is Bluesky to actually be “temporary”?


Prof Prachi Srivastava

@atomicpoet @fediversenews Very confusing indeed. Is he doing it just... because?

Chris Trottier

Jack Dorsey even implies that #Bluesky is just a “proof of concept”.

If that’s true, I hope no institution is setting up an account on Bluesky.

Bluesky is fine for shitposting. But anything work-related shouldn’t be hosted on a “proof of concept”.

Chris Trottier

If #Bluesky really is just a temporary proof of concept, the Tech Press sure has egg on all their faces.

This means Bluesky isn’t what they believe it to be.

Chris Trottier

How can Bluesky be the future when Jack Dorsey says it’s “temporary”?

Maybe AT protocol is the future—but that’s a separate matter from Bluesky.

The app we’re seeing now may not even exist when AT protocol gets rolled out.

Chris Trottier

Everything I see about #Bluesky’s app now makes complete sense.

If this is meant to be a proof of concept, of course Bluesky won’t concentrate on stuff like DMs or lists or text formatting.

Why would they put that kind of work in if this might be temporary?

Enrique Barcelli

@og @atomicpoet

I am always optimist and positive until clear signs of concern are presented to me.

Had you been nurtured in the fast paced environment of the tech startups, and even led them for years, you would not stand the slow pace of #OpenSource open management.

So, if you want to make a big contribution to the descentralised social media protocol, you are most likely to run your own show (like #AT) and then release it to the community than trying to forever negotiate compromises with the #AtivityPub folks. It will just come natural to you.

This could well be Jack Dorsey's scenario.

Hoping for the best. 🤞

@og @atomicpoet

I am always optimist and positive until clear signs of concern are presented to me.

Had you been nurtured in the fast paced environment of the tech startups, and even led them for years, you would not stand the slow pace of #OpenSource open management.

So, if you want to make a big contribution to the descentralised social media protocol, you are most likely to run your own show (like #AT) and then release it to the community than trying to forever negotiate compromises with the

narF Can we really trust him though? Or is he just saying whatever people wants to hear?

Chris Trottier

My big conclusion from Jack Dorsey’s thread is that #Bluesky is NOT comparable to Mastodon.

You can’t compare a temporary proof of concept with something that is production-ready right now.

The hint is Bluesky’s website:

It’s “staging” for a reason!

Chris Trottier

All those clout-chasing “influencers” on #Bluesky will look ridiculous if the app ceases to exist, and they’re forced to set up their own PDS on a Raspberry Pi.

I’m not saying this will happen, but it will be funny if it does.



@atomicpoet I basically skeeted this on my BlueSky account lol 🤣



Hmm that is a very fascinating idea, a social media where you are gated behind having to setup a server, something that doesn't take more than a couple of hours and googling at most to learn.

Pablo Martini

@atomicpoet I've pre emtied it left, deleted it now space back on mobi it's in the Myspace can with musk & zuk!


@atomicpoet Everybody I know who has an account on there wouldn't know what a Raspberry pi even is

Vanni Di Ponzano 🚴 ❤️ ☕ 🍎


"....Jack trundles support to anti-vaxxer conspiracy nutter RFK jr. on his walled-in Bluesky beta...."
all ok then?

Rachel Luxemburg 🪬

@atomicpoet bear in mind that Jack does not run the show over at Bluesky. The actual Bluesky team has not confirmed his comment.

Chris Trottier

@rlux He’s a pretty significant fellow who happens to sit on the board of directors.

Rachel Luxemburg 🪬

@atomicpoet Yes, he is on the board, but he doesn’t drive the roadmap. Jay and her team do. I would want one of them to confirm Jack’s comment before taking it seriously.

Chris Trottier

@rlux If this isn’t true, he should leave the board.

William Pietri

@rlux Isn't he the sole funder? For something with no revenue model? That is not a strong negotiating position for the CEO, let alone the team. @atomicpoet

Lars Fosdal

@atomicpoet What if it is a PoC that actually is a multitude of instances behind the facade? A protocol test platform.


@atomicpoet @fediversenews Yeah, Jack just says things sometimes lol. He is pretty big on the board considering he's one third, but I doubt Jay would like to all of the sudden lose her company. And the other guy on the board seems way more aligned with Jay.

Chris Trottier

@ekana I’m not talking about company. I’m talking about the app.


@atomicpoet Okay let's say that the app is temporary, it wouldn't make sense to just stop developing the app when the protocol is finished. What I imagine he means is that if the protocol takes off with a bunch of other companies and apps popping up then they would then drop the app. But I still doubt Jay would really want that, the way. The Bluesky app is supposed to be a market example like Surface Laptops or when Google makes a premium Chromebook.

Ron K Jeffries

I've started to play with calckey. Can you point me to a document that says how calckey is different than Mastodon? I realize this is system is still young and I am curious.


William Pietri


With no revenue model beyond indulging a fickle billionaire's whims? I give them 3 years. Maybe a little longer if they pivot toward revenue and pull in some VC money. But ultimately I don't think it's possible to run a new Twitter-like social network at a profit.

Chris Pirillo

@atomicpoet @fediversenews ...this, to me, is the whole ballgame. Why, then, does Bluesky (purportedly) trump what Mastodon has done / is doing / will do?

Chris Trottier

@ChrisPirillo My suspicion is because ActivityPub is server-to-server, and subsists by writing to 1,000s of servers.

AT is more convoluted. It’s personal data to big graph server to Labeller / App View / Feed Gen.


Well, my suspicion is that Twitter wanted to avoid liability for all the crazy stuff being posted there.

Twitter didn’t want to be a publisher.

They wanted to be the Google of self-hosted social media posts.

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