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Rylie ✨💖 Pavlik

@mcc as someone rather involved in Khronos I feel a little called out 🤣 but honestly I can't say any of the history stuff is wrong. Anyway OpenXR is clearly lacking any of the weaknesses alluded to in opengl and Vulkan. 😉 (Honestly if anything we don't cater to the game engines enough, and then game engines mangle or at least hide our beautiful APIs...)

Rylie ✨💖 Pavlik

@mcc I will point out that everybody involved in these standardization efforts seems to be doing it for the right reasons: it's mostly engineers, not managers, and the collaboration is really kinda magical feeling, at least in OpenXR. It's been really rewarding to be involved in standardization efforts. And we're all making the best decisions we can at the time with the data available, and with the limited political capital we each have. (I can't die on every API hill)

Rylie ✨💖 Pavlik

@mcc I assume you know this of course, but perhaps your readers might not. Really nice summary, though. It's quite comprehensive. I'll have to try webgpu sometime, since I know the other graphics APIs approximately equally badly. (I can import and export textures, etc from all of them, but actually rendering is more of a mixed bag)

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