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Sbectol :twt:

@atomicpoet I've not used *key but presumably the negatives are similar there as here?

The issues of moderation etc must be similar across the Fediverse.. or have they somehow dealt with the CW issues that POC pointed out were unfriendly to them?

Chris Trottier

@Sbectol Most *key users are Japanese. The culture is inherently different.

But English-speaking *key culture is also different from Mastodon. It's more whimsical and fun.

I haven't seen many CW issues. But then again, *key doesn't have quite the same reach as Mastodon.

Sbectol :twt:

@atomicpoet mm. So that's not so much a technical fix as a difference in culture..

Presumably a POC on a *key instance could still be shut down and silenced by lardarses on mastodon (or anywhere else)

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