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"I'm a full stack engineer"
❌ boring
❌ corporate
❌ cliched

"I can make computers suffer in myriad ways"
✅ distinctive
✅ mysterious
✅ they deserve it


@daedalus Full stack engineers are mountain bike riders.

Simon Welsh

@daedalus I think the subject and the object of that last one are round the wrong way

“Computer can make me suffer in myriad ways”

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:

@simon_w @daedalus

✅ Build and Configure
✅ Get them running a specific set of tasks
✅ Fix them when they inevitably break


Alexis :verifiedtransbian:

@daedalus so, does that make my computer a full stack humaneer?


@alexis do you have every variety of human?


@tommyp it's not sentient computers are dumber than a bag of hammers


> computers are dumber than a bag of hammers

True, but still more sentient than sand ;)



@daedalus I prefer to play them like a piano and tickle them when they misbehave.



Do you make the computer suffer... or does the computer make you suffer?


@daedalus I'm this close to billing myself as a "full-stack thaumaturge" and saying that I can bind daemons to my service.

Eppy NWS


"I have managed to hack our code into a conistently monitored virus that will run cost-effectively and securely on Other People's Computers so our website Never Goes Down. Legally!"

(Boring corpo: I am dev/sec/ops for hybrid cloud)


@EppyNWS "Can I see a copy of the legal advice you obtained?"

Eppy NWS

@daedalus *hands over a picture of a half clothed, sunburned Australian screaming 'JUST FUCKING SEND IT!' with 'Yahoo Serious, Esquire' written on the back*


@EppyNWS did you enjoy your time at the Department of Human Services?

Eppy NWS

@daedalus I did not. The humans have TERRIBLE services.

kaitlin bocchi arc real


"I'm an artificial intelligence engineer"
❌ boring
❌ corporate
❌ buzzwordy

"I can introduce sand to the horrors of humanity in grueling and methodical ways"
✅ distinctive
✅ mysterious
✅ no buzzwords


@daedalus "I can make BOTH users AND computers suffer"

There I fixed it 🤣

Chad Altenburg, Ph.D.

@daedalus not all full stack engineers are created equal.



"I can make computers rejoice in myriad ways"
✅ distinctive
✅ mysterious
✅ sound like a cult leader

Jared Norman

@daedalus I’ve always gone with “Computers bend to my will.”

Devlin :farfetchd:

@daedalus I am a magic sand agitator, I always have been and likely always will be.



If you haven't debugged the ethernet driver, you ain't no full stack engineer.

Whenever I hear full stack engineer, my mind turns to the cooks at the back of an IHOP.


@Kazinator chips are best when they are delicious


@daedalus that phrase always implies the existance of Half-Stack Engineers

Richard Azia

@daedalus Or as people my age say "I play with computers", or was it, "I play on computers". Either way, that's what we do.

sinphy :true: what if i do that without being an engineer at all does the universe explode

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