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Jeff Jarvis

I appreciate the absolution, holiness. πŸ˜‡ I shall say three Hail ActivityPubs in penance.

Mignon Fogarty

@jeffjarvis I'm finding decent news under the hashtags here, but I do wish we had a few more chatty journalists. (And I can't believe I'm essentially saying I want more hot takes. I should go to confession too. I'm only human.)

Trash Panda I've lost so many brain cells to the blood pressure and cortisol rise generated by hot takes on both BirdApp and Tumblr. pls think of the brain cells

LucyWildboots πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@jeffjarvis @grammargirl you may need to add a chicken too. It’s been a while since I even saw that ritual scroll laying around. <g>

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