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@Natanael_L @EposVox for sure. Although I haven’t seen any open consensus protocols on git I’d love to. Not talking about difs here talking about automated trustless consensus validation you’d need to have sufficiently reliable peers in some unspecified quantity come to a quorum on the “peer review”

Natanael ⚠️

@Torfinn @EposVox that's not something you can solve with computer protocols, that's something you solve with human protocols. The closest thing is web of trust. Even with this approach you still only need git + replicated signatures from each peer reviewer + curators.


@Natanael_L @EposVox you can’t solve for multiparty consensus with computer protocols 🤣 uh

Natanael ⚠️

@Torfinn @EposVox what you described is a social problem, the part computers can help with is propagating information but they can't make decisions about human peer review processes. They can only present a summary of concensus

Torfinn replied to Natanael

@Natanael_L @EposVox I definitely am not implying that the protocols should come to a consensus about the research itself 😅


@Natanael_L @Torfinn @EposVox You might be interested to hear about (not a blockchain, to be clear, Holochain in itself has NO coin)
Straight from their homepage: 'Think BitTorrent + Git + Cryptographic Signatures'

Just spreading some information, if you have questions, I follow the project already quite some time

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