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climate voter/bike supremacist

@rbreich If we actually lived in a Democracy, we could do something about this.

MiMi Agnew

@tmstreet @rbreich For 57 years we had a democracy. Now it’s slipping from our fingers because people elected folks who represented industries and not their interest or gerrymandered. We got bamboozzeled! But young people have Woke Up! By 2026 most of these legislators will be out of business! Please count on the future!Save,save Save The Children 🎼


@tmstreet @rbreich it's similar fantasist rhetoric to the anti-jewish messages of the Nazis. They lived in a democracy, and to do something about it, they overthrew the democracy and put in place a strong man... Trump tried something similar, remember? The left and right wing extremists both want the same thing: total control. Beware their simplistic narratives.

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