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Pirate Praveen

Purism Librem 5 could be a change. I have ordered one but yet to get my hands on it (with a friend now). It runs regular GNU/Linux adapted for small screen, no locked boot loader, hardware kill switches and more.

Григорий Клюшников

Pirate Praveen, yeah but they decided to reinvent the userspace for some reason instead of just sticking with AOSP... Besides, that thing is thicc. I guess someone could port AOSP to it tho? Shouldn't be that hard since Android is Linux-based. Why Android? Because a phone without an app ecosystem isn't very useful in the modern society, and we should be grateful that one of the two Big App Platforms™ is completely open source.

Pirate Praveen

There are already some android phones which comes unlocked like or fairphone. Android is still tightly controlled by Google which I don't consider a good thing. So looking forward to Librem 5 and Pine phone gaining more users.

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