The music ended. His father waved him to the edge of the tower. Icarus looked over as guards continued to eat as if a song never happened.

Icarus focused, with his confidence built up and a chorus still in his head he takes his fateful leap of faith.

I made this instrumental on the b-side of my Daedalus single. The demo is supposed to represent the flight of Icarus from his launch, building through his hubris as he explores his freedom. Helios, the Sun, watches with amusement as he soars towards her heat, then tumbles out of the sky, crashing into sea. Psioden, the impassioned sea, just waves.

~ Dgar

Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/dgarmusic/icaru

Apple Music: music.apple.com/au/album/icaru

Tidal: tidal.com/browse/track/1905843

YouTube: youtu.be/tTf1Ue3j924

Deezer: deezer.page.link/Y89FDQ1oLcjqn

Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/27CzlBX