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mav :happy_blob:

@Natanox one of the things that makes the pi ecosystem so functional is that there are tons of OS options, and they're usually updated. Anyone have any suggestions for building Linux installs for other devices? I got kinda solidly stuck when trying to figure out how to build and load Linux for a non-RPi SBC a few months back, and I'd still love to know how to do it.

1 comment

@mav @Natanox I usually avoid "building" a Linux for those things. I maintain an embedded Linux distro at work and supporting a new platform is usually a solid month of pain. So unless you explicitly want the learning experience and are fine with digging into kernel sources and device trees it's not worth it.

My recommendation is getting something that's supported by armbian. Their images usually work out of the box on my SBCs and it mostly feels like regular Debian from a user perspective.

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