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Bhante Subharo ☸

@Natanox The Orange Pi 5 is alleged to have a "memory hole", making it highly suspicious:
Can anyone say more about this alleged memory hole?

I, for one, will withhold judgement on Raspberry Pi until further clarification comes out as to how "cloud-locked" this whole Sony AI chip will be. I don't see any satisfactory explanations on that yet.

Please wait until the product is reviewed, caught red-handed, and proven untrustworthy, before you fully freak out.

1 comment
Karl Rockwell

I agree with sentiment about not fully freaking out. I am running this Mastodon server and a ton of other services on an OrangePI, and it is doing very well. I outgrew the RPI and now have integrated NVME, 8 cores, and 16 GB RAM among other improvements. Depending on your needs, I recommend it.

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