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Eugen Rochko

How do you measure the performance of DNS nameservers? I wanna check if there will be a noticeable degradation if I change providers...

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@Gargron Isn't it like latency vs load or something?

Emanuel Pina

@Gargron I don't know if it's what you're asking for, but you have DNSperf that test them. When I changed to Cloudflare the difference was noticible when testing sites with GTmetrix and Pingdom.

cheese app mogul :astrokurt:🎏

@Gargron Make it query a very long url so it takes a while for it to say the whole thing and then time it with a stopwatch.

Henry Edward Hardy


DNS Monitoring With Nagios

I don't remember if this does specific DNS performance test but you have source so it is at least a reporting framework.

Michal :verified:

@Gargron long time ago when I used Windows I used this tool to measure DNS server performance: The page says it's compatible with Wine, so it's worth giving it a try. Bonus cool points that don't matter - it's just 147KB and written in assembly :)

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