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Mia Rose Winter :v_greyace:​

Everything is data, data can always be convert to be other data repressenting the same data.

You can encode bytes in white and black spots and stream it as a video
You can 3D print bytes as a structure and scan it later
You can make thousands of empty files and use the filenames to store bytes
You can use pings to servers that can carry a message to store data bc the server will respond with it in a couple milliseconds
You can build structures in a locally hosted minecraft server to store data
You can encode data into base 10 and chop it up and store at which digit of pie the block starts and store that

Everything is data

12 comments | Expand all CWs
Natty :butterflyN: Everything is data, especially for corporations ​:haggard:​

Niterux my bals are data they store pee

LJNielsenDk :v_enby: :v_pan:

@MiaWinter Reminds me of this XKCD comic

Inexplicable music scientist Melody

The filename is data reminded me of a certain version of GolfScript where if the file is empty the version contains the code

Astrid (Certified Server Maid)
@MiaWinter you can encode values as nested BZ2/GZ files. Like BZ2 represents 0 and GZ represents 1 and you read the bitstream by unwrapping each compression

@MiaWinter entropy is just a measure of disorder, or the absence of information.


@chipchirp @MiaWinter or signal to noise?


@MiaWinter yes absolutely!! this is the foundation for steganography and it's such a fascinating field :)


@MiaWinter That bit about pings around the world was in some article that mentioned chainsaw juggling & rockets as well... it was somewhat humorous I recall, but I can't seem to remember the name or topic specifically.


@MiaWinter even code is data, so, it follows, everything is code ;)


@MiaWinter this is something I'm trying to enact as an artist in my thesis work starting with video

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