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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

In the meantime, if you want to help our small #hackerspace get our website un-blocked, go here and "report a detection error":

And long-term, consider not abusing the h-word when you want to talk about cybersecurity. Even if it's a tiny bit more difficult at first because due to force of habit:

I am so damn tired of having to prove, after a decade-and-a-half in #InfoSec, that I am not a one-man APT myself, ffs!

#Hackers #FuckGoogle

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

And if you happen to ever be in Reykjavík on a Thursday evening, come have a beverage with us.

Hopefully the site gets unblocked soon, we try to keep it up to date with the details of where we meet each week.

#FuckGoogle #Hackers #InfoSec

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Oh by the way, this is what the site looks like (and yes, we will soon move away from the gmail address, because — you guessed it — #FuckGoogle).

⌬ Codified ⌬

@rysiek Wrt email, I use protonmail with my own domain, I say #FuckGoogle at least once a day, life outside the #Matrix is so much better 😎

Šimon Brandner

@Codified @rysiek, but life inside #matrix ( is so much better :P

@rysiek gmail sadly has similar policies to safe search, ie every SharePoint domain is sent to spam.

Has anyone tried making a list of where Google's security policies have ended up also attacking a competitor to their services?
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