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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Edit: main site unblocked. #Yunohost login page still blocked.

Website of Reykjavík #Hackerspace, Hakkavélin, just got flagged by #Google Safe Browsing as "deceptive"; anyone who visits this site gets a scary red warning:

Thing is, I manage this site. It's literally a single static HTML file.

This is what we get for allowing shitty journalists to farm clicks by abusing the words "hacker" and "hack" to mean "cybercriminal" and "attack".

#FuckGoogle #Hackers #InfoSec

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Every time you use the word "hacker" when you mean "cybercriminal", "attacker", "malicious actor", you *personally* support this kind of bullshit.

Every time you use the word "hack" to mean "compromise", "break-in", "leak", you *personally* make it harder for a small community of creative people to focus on their projects, because now they have to go prove to Google they are not, in fact, attacking anyone.

#FuckGoogle #Hackers #InfoSec

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

And guess what, when Google Sites are used in phishing attacks — and anyone who does any #InfoSec work knows they do, a lot! — somehow the whole domain does not get flagged like that.

When Google Amp is used in phishing attacks — again, not a rare occurrence! — somehow Google Amp domains do not get flagged this way. :thaenkin:

Flagging our site stopped exactly zero attacks. But now we have to send in reports and beg Google to maybe please unblock us.

#FuckGoogle #Hackers

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

And why is that?

Because over-blocking a website of small hackerspace is *cheap*. "No downside".

Because "hacker" and "hack" have been appropriated by those too lazy to be specific in their use of language when talking about "computer stuff." Also, it drives clicks!

Result? Some algorithm somewhere sees "hacker" and goes bananas: "danger, Will Robinson!"

So forgive me when in the future I react *badly* to some random toot mislabeling cybercriminals as "hackers".

#FuckGoogle #InfoSec

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

In the meantime, if you want to help our small #hackerspace get our website un-blocked, go here and "report a detection error":

And long-term, consider not abusing the h-word when you want to talk about cybersecurity. Even if it's a tiny bit more difficult at first because due to force of habit:

I am so damn tired of having to prove, after a decade-and-a-half in #InfoSec, that I am not a one-man APT myself, ffs!

#Hackers #FuckGoogle

In the meantime, if you want to help our small #hackerspace get our website un-blocked, go here and "report a detection error":

And long-term, consider not abusing the h-word when you want to talk about cybersecurity. Even if it's a tiny bit more difficult at first because due to force of habit:

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

And if you happen to ever be in Reykjavík on a Thursday evening, come have a beverage with us.

Hopefully the site gets unblocked soon, we try to keep it up to date with the details of where we meet each week.

#FuckGoogle #Hackers #InfoSec

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

Oh by the way, this is what the site looks like (and yes, we will soon move away from the gmail address, because — you guessed it — #FuckGoogle).

⌬ Codified ⌬

@rysiek Wrt email, I use protonmail with my own domain, I say #FuckGoogle at least once a day, life outside the #Matrix is so much better 😎

Šimon Brandner

@Codified @rysiek, but life inside #matrix ( is so much better :P

@rysiek gmail sadly has similar policies to safe search, ie every SharePoint domain is sent to spam.

Has anyone tried making a list of where Google's security policies have ended up also attacking a competitor to their services?
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