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@ColinTheMathmo @humanetech Of course more advanced export features could be added in order to transform fruitful and informative discussions into persistent information.


Colin the Mathmo

@tinyrabbit In the original C2 wiki that's what happened, but there were no "admins" or "advanced users". That was fine in a small community, but it's abundantly clear that wider access needs to be controlled. Heavily.

People don't like to be censored, though, and don't like their words to be changed, and their "contributions" to be discarded, so there are problems.

And now people say: "But we have wikipedia ... why bother?"

But yes, to all you've said.

CC: @humanetech

Colin the Mathmo

@tinyrabbit With a little effort in the reading, @Chartodon is doing quite well with this widely branching discussion:

As I say, I have tools to collapse nodes and branches, and may eventually distill the conversation, but even so, I'm finding it useful.

CC: @humanetech

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