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Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D.

The media, at least those that are even bothering to cover it, are truly missing the forest for the trees. The disaster of the bird site is not its garbage performance and functionality “clunkiness.” It’s that is a goddamned misinformation fascist propaganda engine. That’s it. That’s the story. I’ve been trying to get journalists to cover it. Guess I have to do it myself.


@ubiquity75 Nauseated at their subservience on the one hand, on the other hand It can't be said to be a capitulation when they expect to be rewarded as partners of the corporate fascist propaganda machine.


@ubiquity75 I’m also banging that drum to anybody who will listen, not just hear.


@ubiquity75 I know. My dear, sweet spouse was espousing claims that now it will be transparent and free and I was like dude it’s just his propaganda now instead of blue team’s propaganda come on. another thing that was a stupid move was defund the police should’ve been reformed the police ,

Staid Winnow

@kristfist @ubiquity75

No, was perfect. The only debate should be about degrees. is a separate thing.

Staid Winnow

The mainstream media leans Republican. Musk is a staunch Republican supporter, and journos want to be on Qwitter.

The journos know it is fascist propaganda, but they’re not going to address it. They need their exposure.

Roberto Selbach

@ubiquity75 I think one issue is that some journalists are trying to rationalize away the fact that they’ve become entirely dependent on a corporation that is now hostile to them.

For the last decade plus, Twitter has been _the_ place for journalists. I am not sure they even know how to do their jobs without it anymore.

Staid Winnow

@rselbach @ubiquity75 Spot on!

This is something that the wishcasters predicting Qwitter’s demise are failing to understand. And seemed to have forgotten about how the corporations who stopped donations to J6 congresscritters quietly resumed.

Adverisers or at least advertising will return too.


@rselbach @ubiquity75 isn't this substack + Post (social) supposed to be the Twitter replacement for journalists?


@ubiquity75 ...and their desperation is palpable. I had been perm-suspended for two years on a questionable rationale, and when I decided to test the CCPA adherence with a data collection request, they (mis) interpreted that (I suspect intentionally) as a reinstatement request.

The whole shop is a horror show, with the collective user IQ plummeting in a vertical nose dive.

toxteth o'grady

@ubiquity75 This, as they in the biz, is not a bug but a feature...

ye olde bebe

@ubiquity75 this is maybe a rhetorical question but what exactly are your expectations of establishment media?


they don't wanna print that because poof, there goes their ad revenue.

Chris Noto

@ubiquity75 I have my own scattered thoughts on that, but I’d ❤️love❤️ to read yours!

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