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3 posts total
Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D.

The media, at least those that are even bothering to cover it, are truly missing the forest for the trees. The disaster of the bird site is not its garbage performance and functionality “clunkiness.” It’s that is a goddamned misinformation fascist propaganda engine. That’s it. That’s the story. I’ve been trying to get journalists to cover it. Guess I have to do it myself.

The media, at least those that are even bothering to cover it, are truly missing the forest for the trees. The disaster of the bird site is not its garbage performance and functionality “clunkiness.” It’s that is a goddamned misinformation fascist propaganda engine. That’s it. That’s the story. I’ve been trying to get journalists to cover it. Guess I have to do it myself.

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ye olde bebe

@ubiquity75 this is maybe a rhetorical question but what exactly are your expectations of establishment media?


they don't wanna print that because poof, there goes their ad revenue.

Chris Noto

@ubiquity75 I have my own scattered thoughts on that, but I’d ❤️love❤️ to read yours!

Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D.

Everyone knew it, but here’s some deep confirmation: Ronald Reagan put the lives of the hostages held in Iran on the line for his own political gain.

Emma Builds 🚀

@ubiquity75 there's not enough eternities for that vile man to burn in Hell.

Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D.

As people are leaving Bird for good, I find that many are engaged in what I believe is a dangerous and misguided game of mixing apples and oranges. After what just happened, and all that it has revealed about reliance on for-profit corporate entities for interpersonal and community interaction, why advocate for another such environment? Substack is already known garbage, and Post provides no future-proofing. When I say, “seize the means of your social media production,” this is why.

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