What I'm listening to today ("best techno on Youtube" 12/13): "Oscillation", Jeanie
Modular synthesizers are usually about sculpting single finely tuned timbres, and YouTube synth videos are often just to show off one single sound or groove. It's kinda rare to see anything with conventional song structure. Which is fine! But then here's a complete, compelling pop song, with singing!— very good singing!— based around modular synths and a Buchla easel, and it's *amazing*.
What I'm listening to today ("best techno on Youtube" 13/13): "Futuresonus Parva analog poly-synth with LinnStrument demo", Geert Bevin
Another MPE controller, but plugged into a fancypants 24-saw oscillator, so you have a synth being controlled moment to moment with the expressive dimension of a violin. I worry these writeups overemphasize the technical so to be clear the piece performed is gutpunch stunning. This is the power of a human playing a musical instrument.
What I'm listening to today ("best techno on Youtube" 13/13): "Futuresonus Parva analog poly-synth with LinnStrument demo", Geert Bevin
Another MPE controller, but plugged into a fancypants 24-saw oscillator, so you have a synth being controlled moment to moment with the expressive dimension of a violin. I worry these writeups overemphasize the technical so to be clear the piece performed is gutpunch stunning. This is the power of a human playing a musical instrument.