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Darius Kazemi

stately pl

1) easure dome decree
2) ump Buck Mulligan


Darius Kazemi

I should learn Perl so I can have a file called "" which just outputs one of those two strings at random

we're ALL jordan

@darius you could not learn perl and google like 3 things instead

we're ALL jordan

@darius I say this as someone who learned _just_ enough go to write a groundhog's day script that displays an ascii gopher that sees/doesn't see its shadow

we're ALL jordan

@darius promise: I'll at least attempt to make this possible for 2020-02-02


my @a = ('pleasure dome decree', 'plumb Buck Mulligan'); print $a[rand @a];


@darius Sincerely disappointed to learn that state dot ly is a company, not just a picture of a pleasure dome being erected, or even a declaration that one should be.

And pricing tiers that are just free, pro and enterprise? Not a single "pleasure dome" option? Weak.

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