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Let's Encrypt

Hey there -- we're Let's Encrypt, the free and open certificate authority serving over 300 million websites worldwide. We're new to Mastodon and are excited to get to know the infosec community in this new space!

Jason Reed

@letsencrypt you should add a link on your website to your profile then add link to your website on your profile so you are "Authenticated".

Miss Issuance

@jrsofty @letsencrypt it is being worked on πŸ˜…β€‹ --- the let's encrypt social media manager who still needs help on web development sometimes

Jason Reed

@finnematic @letsencrypt I'm sure you'll figure it out πŸ˜€ . If you need help just ask. Someone will absolutely will answer. Glad to have you all here.

Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)

It would be nice to verify your account against your official web page.

Welcome in Fediverse πŸ‘‹

David Zaslavsky

@letsencrypt @beandev Awesome! Looking forward to seeing that green highlight on your profile


@letsencrypt @beandev Or better yet, make your own private instance on the domain.

Welcome to the Fediverse!
Good to see you here πŸ˜€

I think I'm using some of your certificates...
Thanks for your services. They make the Internet a better place.


@letsencrypt Welcome and thanks for all the certificates I use in all of my sites.

MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@letsencrypt Welcome to the Fediverse! πŸ‘‹
If you have any questions, just ask!


@letsencrypt Welcome to the Fediverse. Please spread around the secure certificates.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@letsencrypt Hello! Welcome to the Fediverse!

Uh... When are you guys planning to start pushing for the adoption of the DANE standard in major web browsers and other SSL clients?


@letsencrypt Hello, and welcome, and thanks a lot for your work. :]

Elle Draper β˜‘οΈ

Also... Thanks for supporting more than 80 of my client websites xx


@letsencrypt ever since certbot, i've never had to say "there are now fourteen days until the cert on prod expires so somebody in this organization with access to the company credit card better step the fuck up" in a standup.

DD0UL βœ…

@letsencrypt thank you for this service. Using Let's Encrypt for many servers.


@letsencrypt Thanks for pushing the extortionist authorities out of the spotlight.

TangoAndToys :noverify:

@letsencrypt Yay! Thank you for all the wonderful work!

Been using you to encrypt my dinky personal Jitsi server ever since I installed it.

Thank you again!


@letsencrypt Welcome, and thanks for my certificates!

Yuri Arabadji

@letsencrypt Let me tell you, using fake certificates is downright unpatriotic. It's like giving away our national secrets to our enemies! We need to be tough on cybercrime, folks, and that means cracking down on those who try to cheat the system and steal our private info.

We need to put America first and make sure that our data is safe and secure. And that starts with using only the best and most trustworthy certificate authorities. So let's stand up for our country and protect our online security like true patriots!

@letsencrypt Let me tell you, using fake certificates is downright unpatriotic. It's like giving away our national secrets to our enemies! We need to be tough on cybercrime, folks, and that means cracking down on those who try to cheat the system and steal our private info.

We need to put America first and make sure that our data is safe and secure. And that starts with using only the best and most trustworthy certificate authorities. So let's stand up for our country and protect our online security...

John (he/him) :vbike:

@letsencrypt very excited to have you here! Nice work setting up link verification

Brian Krupp

@letsencrypt thank you for the services you provide including certbot, it makes renewing certificates a breeze!

Blortβ„’ πŸ€β“‹πŸ₯·β˜£οΈ

@letsencrypt Happy to see you here! transformed online security in a way that many just take for granted now, having forgoten / never discovered the expense and complexity that setting up SSL used to entail. You truly took SSL technology out of just the hands of the rich and technical to a far wider audience of far more average Joes/Janes/Jenby's.

❀️ from a happy user. πŸ˜„

err head :pc2black: πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ βœ‚οΈ

You guys are a keystone of the free internet at this stage, thanks for all you do.

Gryphon :damnified:

@letsencrypt Welcome to the Fediverse! And thanks for the great things you do for all of us!

Adnan πŸ¦™

@letsencrypt @icing Hello! We need certs for email too otherwise AutoCrypt is going to take over that world.


@letsencrypt Hi. Verify your account here - or you didn't happen! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Steve's Place

@letsencrypt I've used it on servers before. Highly recommend. Sysadmins like automation that works. Yes they do. And welcome!

Cenobyte :abunhdowohop:

@letsencrypt Welcome to the . So good to see you here. What you've done has made this and so much more possible. I remember a time when certs were expensive and difficult to get. Without them websites are basically broken.
Me and my mastodon ambassadorr Skye welcome you!

Kat the Leopardess

@letsencrypt Lets Encrypt has been a great tool for me. Thank you for providing such a great service

Welcome to the Fediverse. Watch your step and keep all arms inside the vehicle.... ;)

Bread Ninja :unverified: :sp:

@letsencrypt Thank you for enableing us to build secure services, without having to rely on expensive, expiring certificates. And for all the hard work maintaining it :givelove:​


@letsencrypt Been using you guys to secure my personal/family Nextcloud server for a while now, πŸ™‚

David - Forking Mad

@letsencrypt welcome to Mastodon.

I'm several of your 300m websites 😁

MOULE (Kaizopocalypse Out Now)

@letsencrypt Hey there! Thank you for making installing SSL certificates easier πŸ™

Robert "Szkodnix" Good to have you here, guys! Welcome! 🀩

My instance and my all server infrastructure wouldn't be here if not you

Joy Denebeim :tv: :tb: :pa:

@letsencrypt yeah thank you for pushing that, the acme protocol has done so much to for the internet. Thank you

John Hunter


One project that seems like maybe would fit with Lets Encrypt:

Set up a certification for Mastodon account based on the website ssl certificate. So for example, organization like or or or could have certified Mastodon accounts.

Essentially it would allow us to have an indication of official accounts.

I hope you and EEF keep up the good work. Thanks for what you have done.

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