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Comfortably Numb🦋

@axoplasm @thomasfuchs so many people dunking on it - it's akin to a DDoS attack.

Timo the timo

@axoplasm @ygalanter @thomasfuchs i'm tired and my eyes are kind of burning / itching / unfocused and at first i read this as "this page is talking too loud" and got *very* confused, but ngl that'd be a funny error message too

Ben Ramsey

@ygalanter @skobkin @thomasfuchs It’s like a bunch of people just discovered GitHub and decided to treat it like Reddit.


@ramsey To be fair, MSFT has been pushing to make GitHub more “social” for a little while now, the proliferation of memes and shitposting fall squarely into the “you reap what you sow” department.

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