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Mario Vavti
@dansup Hubzilla has implemented ephemeral posts some years ago...

@mario Stories != Posts though, these are ephemeral stories, not posts.

Stories are not displayed in timelines as a regular post, they are a chronological collection of photos/video that can have different durations or attributes like disabled comments or actions ("swipe up" to be redirected to a custom url a user can set).

Ephemeral posts that get deleted are still pretty cool, but the UI/UX of :pixelfed: Stories are quite different than a simple expiry date.

Niko :verified:

@dansup @mario but, the question i wanted to do is: Are Stories going to be federated in other platforms? that would be interesting 🤔 For other platforms, Stories could be just another post that has an expiration date 🤔


@dansup i would really avoid any advanced options for a new feature (attributes or custom url). its just extra work which might not pay off, instead you can add those extra features in a later version (plus you have some user feedback then).

but thats just my opinion...


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