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@aral There's something I saw on Twitter once - can't remember who from, but it stuck with me. It was something like:

White is apolitical, black is political
Straight is apolitical, queer is political
Cis is apolitical, trans is political

and so on. Only if you're in a privileged group can you say that your existence is apolitical. Everyone outside the privileged groups has no choice.


@RolloTreadway @aral
"to be apolitical is to be right-wing" is not really new

Stevens R Miller

@RolloTreadway @aral

Oh, I like that! Fits well with a lot of other observations about society: politics is the mechanism of peaceful change, and change threatens those who have something to lose.

Matt Sicker

@RolloTreadway @aral this is a common joke on reddit when making fun of gamers and what kind of games they consider political.

Heather C

@RolloTreadway @aral
White cis xtian male is apolitical.
Everything else is political.

Aral Balkan

@fdouglaswall @RolloTreadway Oh please add alt text to that image so I can boost it :)


@RolloTreadway @aral Make Putatively Majority Groups Political By Default Again.


@RolloTreadway @aral To be "apolitical" means to be stupid. Everything is political: thereā€˜s not a single question in our life (and death) that is not a political question.

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