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Aral Balkan

To be “apolitical” is simply to be fine with the worst injustices of your time. Likely because they don’t affect you personally (yet).

Iridium Zeppelin

@aral Every single one of the people who I know who claim to be apolitical are affected. Several by racism or sexism. They want to do the things that are meaningful for them. Not ruminate on political problems. Remember: the brain surgeon isn't an idiot. He just has brain surgery tomorrow and he needs a good night's rest.

It's a pretty dehumanizing brush to say they are fine with the worst injustices. They aren't. They also aren't interested in leading the life of an activist.

Iridium Zeppelin

@aral I suspect a lot of the people that I know who identify/identified as apolitical were or are depressed. Politics is difficult and can be pretty inaccessible at the best of times.


That might not be entirely true, I have a lot of people in my mental health support group that define themselves to be apolitical just because they are triggered by political events (either by feeling unheard or by the climate that's inside our political system). So the reason of choice to be apolitical might be more complex

Liz Ellis She/Her🌳

@martijn @aral that’s not what being apolitical means though? Being triggered by political events or being silenced is quite different


@aral It could be a way of coping though. Too much empathy and you explode, too little empathy (plus too much stimulants) and you go Nazi Germany.

Iridium Zeppelin

@zenfant @aral You can have empathy and still be a Nazi. Most Nazis were and are not sociopaths.

Iván Zaera

@aral there's a saying here in Spain: if you don't care about politics you are right-wing...


@aral I think a lot of people claim to be apolitical because social media his trained them to. To be 'political' is to be the one who creates friction and pile-ons. A lot of people also don't realise that there's more than 'big-p politics'. A lot of what I do with @hearsepileup is to illustrate political issues from ground level. From a point of view that looks at the direct effect of these issues, not some abstract idea of what's bad.

However I know a good few people who are militantly centrist because they've got security and for the most part politics doesn't effect them.

@aral I think a lot of people claim to be apolitical because social media his trained them to. To be 'political' is to be the one who creates friction and pile-ons. A lot of people also don't realise that there's more than 'big-p politics'. A lot of what I do with @hearsepileup is to illustrate political issues from ground level. From a point of view that looks at the direct effect of these issues, not some abstract idea of what's bad.

the trouble with mia :baner:

@aral And to say "all politicians are the same, so why bother" is worse.

Jon Sparks

@aral See also ‘keep politics out of sport’, etc. And I remember in the era of ‘Rock Against Racism’ one prominent record producer saying pop music should be purely for entertainment. Which takes us right back to panem et circenses.


@aral There's something I saw on Twitter once - can't remember who from, but it stuck with me. It was something like:

White is apolitical, black is political
Straight is apolitical, queer is political
Cis is apolitical, trans is political

and so on. Only if you're in a privileged group can you say that your existence is apolitical. Everyone outside the privileged groups has no choice.


@RolloTreadway @aral
"to be apolitical is to be right-wing" is not really new

Stevens R Miller

@RolloTreadway @aral

Oh, I like that! Fits well with a lot of other observations about society: politics is the mechanism of peaceful change, and change threatens those who have something to lose.

Matt Sicker

@RolloTreadway @aral this is a common joke on reddit when making fun of gamers and what kind of games they consider political.

Heather C

@RolloTreadway @aral
White cis xtian male is apolitical.
Everything else is political.

Aral Balkan

@fdouglaswall @RolloTreadway Oh please add alt text to that image so I can boost it :)


@RolloTreadway @aral Make Putatively Majority Groups Political By Default Again.


@RolloTreadway @aral To be "apolitical" means to be stupid. Everything is political: there‘s not a single question in our life (and death) that is not a political question.

Christian Kruse

@aral There is no apolitical. Being apolitical is really just the stance of being fine with the status quo.

Joseph Holsten

@cjk @aral Even that is a “conservative” political preference, which has to be defended against reactionary and progressive factions. Having policy preference at all is to be political.

Flor I recognize the type of "apolitical" person you're referring to. There also are many people who consider themselves apolitical because they understand the word "politics" as injustices being done in their name, without a chance to elect anyone who will not do evil.

Dry Bird (Justin Case)

@aral Oh no. It affects them. They just don't realize it. Most people don't see things like racism, sexism, homophobia, etc as illogical. And so they accept more illogical thinking in their lives than they know.

Which spills into every faced of their lives. Leading to them making shitty decisions for themselves. So naw. It without doubt affect and effects them personally. But...dunning kruger...

Mitsunee | 光音

@aral to shove politics into every environment is being a bully. Everything has its place, that too applies to politics and especially americans seem to struggle with the idea that people outside of their country to not give a fuck about their politics

Stevens R Miller


Anyone who says they are "not political" is saying they have no role in the process of change.

xyhhx i'm a'political. i'm adverse to all politics. if you're a politician, we're enemies. i'm all for justice and ethics, but largely against justice systems and law enforcement

(tongue in cheek jokes aside, u right)

DaywalkingRedhead 😷

@aral Agreed. 100%. There is no such thing as politics that are not personal. Politics is how we decide how we live our lives - it’s so we fund schools, do we require corporations to not poison us, do we fund fire departments or hospitals or build roads, and where. Everyone who declares themselves apolitical has chosen to support the fascists working to defund and kill us all. There is no third option. Silence is complicity. That isn’t to say you must be an activist or thinking about it 24/7/365. It means you educate yourself, and at the very least, you vote.

@aral Agreed. 100%. There is no such thing as politics that are not personal. Politics is how we decide how we live our lives - it’s so we fund schools, do we require corporations to not poison us, do we fund fire departments or hospitals or build roads, and where. Everyone who declares themselves apolitical has chosen to support the fascists working to defund and kill us all. There is no third option. Silence is complicity. That isn’t to say you must be an activist or thinking about it 24/7/365....

Panama Red

@aral "“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." -- Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace laureate Elie Wiesel

Matt Ferrel


This is how I feel about the nice people who never, ever say anything political because they don’t want to offend anyone. All they are doing is enabling the worst people.

Edit: sorry, the order is jumbled


@aral When I was trying to drum up registrations and I would come across a Christian who claimed that they weren’t political I would explain that exact point to them and leave them with this line from the Bible a claimed to care about. Whatsoever you do to the least among, you do to me.” It was gratifying to see the lightbulb turn on behind at least a few of their eyes.


@aral *Everything* is political. It's just a matter of degree.

Ban El Al from our skies

@aral Got to age 71 until I finally joined a political party.

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